She lifted the small sliver curl right up to my face between my eyes. “And this is?”

“No.” I shook my head, rising and then racing to the mirror, running my hand through my hair. “I am far too young to be going gray!”

“Relax, it’s one gray—”

“No, I had a great uncle and second cousin that got gray hair in their twenties. Both of them ended up going full gray before they even turned fifty. How could I be next and not Arty?”

“You are so vain.”

I frowned, turning back to her. “And if you were graying early?”

“Hair dye or wigs.”

“And I am vain?”

“Everyone is a little vain.” She laughed, taking the M&Ms out of the bowl left for her to eat. “But it is fun seeing you panic.”

My shoulder fell. I swore this woman never allowed me to have a moment of glory or romance with her. Sighing, I turned back around to her. “How exactly am I supposed to approach you?”

She shrugged. “I told you it would not be easy.”

“Yes, but you like me. You are just not giving me a chance.”

“Who said I liked you?”

“Oh, so you go on dinner dates with men, accept the men’s flowers, reject those men, and then invite men for dinner again when you don’t like them?”

She glared, and I glared back. “You are ridiculous.”

“And you enjoy my ridiculous company,” I said, taking a seat next to her. “Admit it.”

“Nope, you are wrong. Sorry, your prince charms don’t have me swooning all over you.”

“Look into my eyes then.” I sat facing her, and I knew she would try to prove me wrong.

“I’m looking. What is supposed to be happening?”

“Shh,” I whispered. “Just look for two minutes.”


She stared into my eyes, and I stared back into hers. Not a word was said, not a breath held.

How long were two minutes?

It felt much longer than I thought.

I could see every line, every crease, every strand of hair on his face. He was all I could see, and the longer I did, my heart began to thump.

“This is silly, Gale,” I whispered. I didn’t know why I was whispering, but I was.

“Are you giving up?”

“No, but what is this going to prove?”

A grin spread across his face. “I don’t know. I just wanted to take in your beauty for a few minutes.”

It was like he threw cold water at me.