He nodded.

“That is what winter is, the end of the year, and with that, people change. People look back at what they went through and want to go out with a bang. People are hopeful for the new year, new chances and new beginnings. Everyone makes a wish for something at Christmas. Everyone has a New Year’s resolution and tell themselves they can, and they will, by any means, do it. Winter is like a shot of adrenaline, and we can do anything.”

“Okay, but then right as winter is coming to an end, the adrenaline wears off, and people realize they are not much better off than last year.”

I glared at him. “Are you just trying to rain all over my explanation? That was good. You could have used that in poetry.”

“Far too cheesy.” He grinned, and I just knocked elbows with him, causing him to laugh.

I wanted to ignore him, but he offered me his hand. I looked at him, not sure what he wanted.

“Dance with me.”

“Dance?” Where did that come from?

“You said it was the first snowfall. We should celebrate it and end our night on a high note, right?” he explained. “Or would you like to end it with powdering your nose.”

“You make me want to kick you. You know that?” I snapped.

“You are not the only one.” He snickered and brought his hand closer. “Come on, what could it hurt?”

“I could step on your toes. These shoes are starting to kill me.”

He glanced down at my feet. “Then take them off.”

He said it like, duh. And it was kind of funny. Taking his hand and holding onto him, I stepped out of them and shrank by four and a half inches. Once free from my feet prisons, he led me away from the window.

“Gale, there’s no music.” I laughed.

“Am I supposed to provide that, too?” He sighed dramatically. “Very well. Your wish is my command.” He stopped and snapped his fingers.

My head tilted at the classical piano music now streaming into the restaurant, as well as the lights dimming. Had he planned this when I went to the bathroom or from the very start? I focused on him, seeing the proud smirk he had on his face.

“Impressed?” he questioned, placing my other hand on his shoulder and his hand on my waist.

“Yes, but also a bit curious where you learned how to seduce a woman like this,” I asked as he led our dance.


“Yes, seduce. I feel like you are pulling me into your web, Prince Gale,” I said as we turned.

He leaned into it. “Do not be pulled—fall into it.”

“The harder you try, for some reason, the harder I want to fight to deny you,” I whispered, leaning closer to him, too. But I held up my head defiantly. “I won’t let you win me over quickly.”

“The worst thing you can do is give a man challenge, Ms. Wyntor.” When he spun me in, he held me closer and whispered into my ear, “It just makes us want to try harder.”

“Then try all you want,” I said and spun out of his arms. However, when I faced him again, his hand on my waist drew me closer until there was barely any space between us.

“With pleasure,” he answered softly. “I will take you out every night if I have to.”

“I won’t come. I do have a life. I cannot come out with you every night.”

“True,” he said, still grinning. “Let’s see. What can I do? Oh, how about I send you a letter every day you don’t see me. I’ll send more flowers, too.”

I rolled my eyes. “That’s—”

“I might even try out my poetry on you...then gifts...then maybe, if all else fails, I will stand outside your window with a large radio above my head.”