“Yes, Mother.” What else could I do but say yes and thank you?

“I am serious, Gale. She is not the same as your other female friends.”

Female friends? Is that what she called them. I shook my head. “Mother, I need to go.”

“Wait a moment,” Arthur called.

Dear God, rescue me from this conversation.

“Yes, brother.” I heard something on the other line, and waited, not sure what I was hearing. “Hello?”

“I had them leave,” he stated. “How are you truly?”

“Has it even been a full day since I left? Yet you are worried about me. I am touched—”

“Let me clarify,” he interrupted. “What do you think of her? Do you like her?”

I had no idea how to go about answering that question. Scratching the back of my head, I shrugged. “It is too soon, Arthur—”

“Do not give me that. You are the first person to have an opinion of a person upon first meeting them. When you first met Lady Schwarz, you said, and I quote, ‘She is the most pretentious, overindulgent, cocker spaniel-looking woman I have ever met.’”

Why did he have to remember every horrible thing I said?

“I was young when I said—”

“You are still young. The only difference between then and now is you only think those things and have the good manners not to say it aloud anymore.” He chuckled. “So, what have you thought about her.”

I thought she was breathtakingly beautiful. But if I said that, I would never live it down, and should this not work, he would forever hold it over my head.

“Again, I just met her, but if you must know, she’s bossy, temperamental, and prone to outburst.”

“Your Highness.”

I glanced at Iskandar. However, he was not looking at me but behind me. Immediately, the hairs on the back of my neck prickled. Slowly, I turned...and sure enough, there she stood, dressed in a sweater, jeans, and boots. Her curls were pulled back into a ponytail, and her brown eyes were glaring directly at me.

I could feel my heart begin to race, my brain shut down, and all I could do was glance back at Iskandar. “Was I speaking in English or Ersovian?”

“English,” she answered instead. “Still speaking English, by the way.”

Of bloody course, I was. Damn it!

“I was—”

“Bossy, temperamental, and prone to outburst?” With each word, she took a step down the stairs. “That sounds horrible.”

“I did not mean it like that.”

“Yes, because there are different ways to mean that,” she said through a fake-looking smile, clearly trying not to tell me now. “Those aren’t royal characteristics, are they? It seems I’m not your girl, then. Good luck finding another heiress. Goodbye.”

“Wait, Odette!” I tried to rush after her as I moved to the door only to bang my foot against the couch. “Fuck! Ah!”

“Your Highness.” Iskandar moved to help me, but I stuck out my hand to stop him, sucked up the pain, and stood straighter.

“There is a first-aid kit in the bathroom,” she said, opening the front door only to have Wolfgang standing there with what was supposed to be breakfast.

Like an idiot, he grinned wide. “Hello—”

“Is all of Ersovia stopping by?” she snapped, shaking her head and brushing by him.