“So, you know.” Of course, she did. I bet it was all over the news.

“Yeah, it is horrible.” She frowned. “And to think he has to get on a plane right after that—”

“Why do you say that?” It hadn’t even occurred to me.

Plus, Gale had a fear of heights. His brother just died, and he had to get on a plane, too? Jesus Christ.

“Odette, calm down—”

“Mom, he must be feeling so bad right now.”

“Odette, sweetheart, that is no longer any of your concern,” she said, putting her hands on her shoulder.

“What does that mean?”

“Odette, I know you like him...I like him, too.”

“Why? Are we never seeing him again?” I asked, shrugging out of her arms.

“Because we are not,” she said sternly.

“No, he said—”

“Odette”—she sighed—“you are so naïve sometimes, and it really frustrates me. But I love that about you, too.”

“Mom, I don’t understand what you are saying.”

“What do you think is about to happen?” she asked me sternly. “That man, that prince, is no longer just a prince. He is the future king of a nation. Do you think that nation will want you as their queen?”

“He said he would send for me—”

“Maybe because he is naïve, too. Do you think that in the world we live in now, you can be queen? Are you ready to be one? Do you know how? Do you know anything about them? We are not like them, and they will reject you for it. That is why I was so scared you might have left. God knows how they would have torn you apart—”

“Mom!” I had to put space between us because...because I couldn’t even believe what she was talking about right now. “I wasn’t thinking about being a queen or anything like that. I just knew the person I have feelings for was hurting, and I wanted to be there for him. If he had told me to come with him, I would have gone. He told me to wait, so I’m going to wait.”

“He may not want to disappoint you, but he isn’t free to just do whatever he likes anymore. There are millions of people looking to him—”

“He is my husband. He promised me he would not betray me, and I believe him. Why are you doing this right now?”

“Because you need to see reality! If I had known this was going to happen, I never would have set you up!”

“Your reality is not my reality!” I screamed at her. “Do you even know your reality? All the secrets and mistakes you made, why are you always trying to force me to live the life you think is best when your life is shit? Who pushes their daughter onto a man just to get money, and then when she starts to have feelings for them, tells her she is naïve? If I am, then I will find out I am on my own because I am a grown-ass woman.”


“How would you like it if I began to pick at you! Huh? Were you still seeing Dad after the divorce? Is that why Yvonne hates you so much? Is that why you never remarried or saw anyone else? Why are you the way you are, Mom? Is it because you were naïve? Or is it because you thought you were smarter than everyone else?”


I froze in shock, the pain in my face so foreign to me. My eyes watered, and I looked back at her to see hers filled with tears that she wouldn’t let fall, either.

“You may be an adult, and I may not have been the best mother, but I am still your mother, Odette. And you will not speak to me like that.” Her voice was coarse.

“How about we just don’t speak then, Mom.”

“Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She turned and left, and when she did, the tears fell.

What happened?