He was silent for a moment.

And she went on. “She can keep a secret if I tell her to. Even now, I still don’t know how long she has been in contact with you or how she ever was.”

“Very well, but no one else,” he said.


“Thank you. Now, brother, take me off speaker so I can speak with you.”

“More like yell at me,” I muttered before doing as he said and putting the phone to my ear. “Yes?” I switched back to Ersovian.

He sighed heavily. “Are you purposefully messing with me now, Gale? I allow you more freedom, and in return, you eloped with her! From her apology, I will assume she suggested it. I can forgive her for that since she does not know the rules. But you do! How could you do this?”

“You wanted us to get married. I did—”

“I wanted you to convince her to get married and get married here!”

“Things changed—”

“Not this!”

I winced at how loud he yelled.

Even he must have scared himself going by the long pause he needed to take before speaking again. “This is what is going to happen, Gale. No one will know about this. Do not write it down. Do not tell a soul. It will be your secret to keep to the grave. Today, you merely got engaged. So, I congratulate you both on your engagement.”

“Arthur, it is fine. We will do a ceremony back—”

“Gale, your marriage is a matter of state. A Prince of Ersovia cannot sneak off to another nation to get married as if it is some sort of shame. A prince’s bride needs to be at the very least introduced! Do you not think it is a big deal? If the people find out you did not get married according to tradition, they will think you abandoned tradition. And they will blame her for it.”

I glanced over to Odette to see her big brown eyes focused on me, worried. I shook my head, smiling even as Arthur forced reality down my throat.

“They will say she is making you American instead of you making her royal. Do you want the first thing people think about her to be that she did not care how we did things?”

“You’ve made your point.”

“Good, now please try to refrain from doing anything else for the evening. In two more hours, I have to be in Monelrene, and I would like to get some sleep. We cannot all spare time to have romantic getaways in America.”

“It was you who sent me.”

“With much protest from you if I recall. However, now that she is in your arms, you seem to be relishing your time there. I guess I did not condemn you to a loveless marriage after all.” He was gloating. Proud that his little argument had worked.

“Yes, I am so ecstatic. I was thinking of getting matching tattoos with her. What do you think?”

“You are not funny.”

I grinned. “I am a tad bit funny.”

“Be ready to come back within the week.”

The smile on my face dropped. “Arty...not yet.”

“What do you mean, not yet? You’re engaged to her. Mission accomplished. Now we need to prepare, so it would be good to get her here—”

“Give her more time.” I glanced over at Odette, who was once again looking at her ring.

“Her or you?”

Good question. “Both?”