In one moment, the sheet was off her body, and he was covering her instead.

Lavinia thrashed on the bed as he moved down, kissing her throat, her breasts, weighing them in his hands. His hands slid across her body, his fingertips circling her scars, sinking into her flesh. He didn’t seem to mind either, he just studied every crevice of her body, kissed every hidden nook. Then he kissed across her belly and lower… until he pressed a kiss to her center.

“Don’t move,” he whispered and then licked across her feminine lips.

Don’t move?

Lavinia’s hips flew off the bed, and she cried out in pleasure.

Sebastian laughed before sinking his fingers into the flesh of her hips, holding her securely to the bed.

“Do not move,” he growled and licked again.

And then again. And he continued licking, kissing, devouring her between her legs until she could not differentiate what he was doing.

The pressure built inside her again until she could not hold it anymore.

With a cry of pleasure, the world erupted around her into millions of stars. Lavinia’s body floated among those stars before finally coming back to earth, her limbs languid, an indulgent smile on her lips.

It felt heavenly.

When she opened her eyes, Sebastian kneeled before her, his manhood in his hand. He rubbed his length, his face a grimace of pain.

After a few short moments, he let out a growl, and a creamy white substance burst from his length onto her belly.

With a sigh of relief, Sebastian fell to his back.

“You are magnificent,” he said, staring at the canopy.

A small smile adorned Lavinia’s lips. For the first time in her life, she believed that she was indeed magnificent.

* * *

Lavinia woke up and stretched in bed. She felt languid, her limbs relaxed and heavy. She needed to get up and walk around, but it felt so good to be in a warm, soft bed.

“Good morning.”

Lavinia sat up at the sound of Sebastian’s voice, clutching a bedsheet to her chest. Sebastian stood in the doorway, dressed in the clothing he’d been taken in. He looked fresh and ready for the day ahead.

“Good morning,” she said shyly and looked away, the activities of the night before vividly playing out in her mind.

After the rigorous lovemaking, Sebastian had wet a handkerchief with the pitcher of water, cleaned her belly, and between her legs. He then climbed beside her, covered them both with a sheet, and hugged her tightly to him.

This was the first time she could remember that she’d spent a night with someone. And the feeling of being held so closely was the best feeling in the world.

Her only regret was not waking up next to him.

He crossed the room and stared out the window as if feeling her discomfort and giving her a bit of privacy. Lavinia started immediately brushing out her hair with her fingers.

God, it was like a bird’s nest! She must have looked completely horrifying. Perhaps that was why he turned away.

“I went down to the village this morn to look for a horse for us, but I couldn’t find anything.” He sounded irritated. “I had to pay some boys to run down to the nearby village inn and bring us a ride. We might need to start our journey on horseback if you don’t mind.”

“I don’t suppose I have a choice,” she said quietly.

He turned toward her and smiled. “Not unless you want to stay here.”

Lavinia’s heart jolted in her chest. Was it the prospect of staying here with him that made her ache? Or was it the vision that he presented with his eyes glinting in mischief, a sweet smile on his lips, the sun playing with the strands of his hair?