Chapter 3

Lavinia clutched her skirts in her hands as she ran up the stairs.

“Don’t you run from me, you stupid chit!”

Lavinia clasped the banister and looked over her shoulder, her breathing labored. Her father, the old, heavy drunkard, was taking two steps at a time and was gaining on her really fast. “Please, Father,” Lavinia pleaded, although she knew it wouldn’t do any good. Her limbs felt heavy, and she could not move any farther.

“Please, what? Do not punish you for acting like a strumpet? For defying my orders?”

He grabbed Lavinia by her hair and pulled so hard that Lavinia let go of the banister and fell backward. The moment felt suspended in time as she fell for a few long moments that seemed like forever.

Finally, she landed with a loud thump but not on the floor. On something soft. Lavinia scrambled to her feet and looked down at her father.

He was lying there in a pool of his own blood.

“This is not how it happened,” she whispered to herself. Something was off.

“You killed me, daughter,” her father croaked, looking at her with bloodshot eyes.

Lavinia took a breath to scream, but no sound emerged. She reached to grab for the railing, but there was nothing there. She was caught off balance and fell into an abyss, nothing but darkness surrounding her.

“You killed me, daughter!” Her father’s voice sounded around her, echoing in the void.

Her head was spinning as she kept on falling and falling until she was shaken by an earthquake or thunder… a knock?

Lavinia jumped awake and hit her elbow against the back of the chair. She rubbed the aching place and looked around the dark, dank room.

She was still in her father’s sickroom. The curtains were shut as they had always been, not letting in the light, so she had no idea what time of day it was.

Another knock.

Lavinia glanced in her father’s direction before hurrying toward the door.

“Lady Lavinia. Lady Payne is here to see you,” the butler said as Lavinia opened the door.

“Oh… Good. Thank you.” Lavinia swept a lock of hair away from her face. “I’ll be down in a moment.”

She threw one last look at her father’s body on the bed and walked away to take her morning ablutions.

A few moments later, she entered the parlor, where her friend Annalise paced restlessly. She turned as she heard Lavinia come in, and her face split into a wide smile. “Oh, good, Lavinia. You are well.”

Lavinia smiled and walked toward her friend. “Of course, I am well.” She stretched out her arms and took Annalise’s hands in hers.

“I was so worried. I am sorry I couldn’t come yesterday, but I was so tired after the guests left. I just wanted to take a short nap before coming to you, but—”

Lavinia shook her head with a smile. “No apologies necessary. Truly. Please, sit.”

With a nod, Annalise settled on the settee. “Thank you, darling, but you looked so distressed. I wanted to come as soon as I could, but…” She placed her hand on her slightly rounded stomach. “Blake doesn’t let me out of the house if I am feeling even a little out of sorts.”

Lavinia bit back a smile. “I am glad that he is so protective of you. How are things with Blake?”

“Meow!” A little black cat sauntered into the parlor as if she owned the place. She walked lazily across the floor, then rubbed her body against Lavinia’s skirt.

“Oh, Miss Gale! How glad I am to see you!” Annalise exclaimed.

The animal didn’t pay any attention to her former mistress. Instead, she jumped and effortlessly settled on Lavinia’s lap. Lavinia scratched her silky fur, and the cat started to purr.

“Well, I see that I made the right decision in leaving Galinthias with you.”