Chapter 18

“Iam going back to London,” Lavinia said as her friends settled around her in a small drawing room for afternoon tea.



“You can’t!” all three said at the same time.

“Is it because of Kensington and me?” Caroline scooted closer to the edge of her seat.

“Does it have anything to do with my uncle? Because he left for a ride in a really bad mood just a moment ago,” Victoria chimed in.

“You can’t expect me to travel back when we’ve just arrived,” Annalise complained.

Lavinia closed her eyes briefly, preparing herself for what she had to say. “No, Caroline, dear, it is not because of you and Dane… I mean… partially. But truly it is just because I am wasting my time here. My father is in London. He is dying. He could be already dead. And my stepmother is alone with him and my guardian. I left her there promising her a better life once I secured myself a husband, but the truth is, even if I marry, there is no guarantee it will solve any of my problems!”

She turned to Annalise. “I am sorry I dragged you all the way here in your condition, but I am certain you can stay and rest here for as long as you need, can’t she?” The last she directed to Victoria.

“Of course,” Victoria said immediately.

“You can’t leave alone!” Annalise said sternly.

“No. But I am certain that Lord Roth would spare me a maid.” Her voice hitched on his name. And then she added quieter, “I am sure he wouldn’t want me to remain here, anyway.”

“So, itisabout my uncle!” Victoria exclaimed. “What did he do? Because if he hurt you in any way—”

Lavinia put up a staying hand. “It is not what he did… Rather, what I did.”

Annalise frowned. Victoria glanced from one woman to the next, trying to figure out if they understood what Lavinia meant, while Caroline just raised her brow.

Lavinia cleared her throat. “I tried to… I tried to compromise him.”

All three women blinked and looked at each other.

“Compromise what?” Victoria asked.

“She means she put them both in a compromising position, so he’d be forced to marry her,” Caroline supplied.

Victoria turned toward Lavinia, aghast. “What did you do?”

Lavinia grimaced and looked away. “It doesn’t matter. Either way, it didn’t work. I-I couldn’t go through with it, and I stopped anything from happening.”

“Oh, darling,” Annalise breathed.

“And I just… I need to get out of here.”

There was a beat of silence.

“I can order for a carriage to be prepared,” Caroline finally said.

Lavinia looked up at her. “Thank you.”

“But before I do… Are you certain this is what you want?”

Lavinia nodded gratefully. “Yes, yes, it is.”

“Very well. The carriage shall be ready tomorrow morning.”