“Typical.” Lavinia raised her eyes heavenward. Whileone of the greatest contemporary artists of our timeengaged in all sorts of scandalous behavior, she had no doubt. “But I’d wager he spent his entire time in brothels or at his studio with all his naked models.”

Victoria’s eyes grew wider with each Lavinia’s word. And then there was a light clearing of the throat just behind Lavinia.Of course.This would be the moment he showed up to eavesdrop.

“Do not sound so jealous, Lady Lavinia.”

Goosebumps covered Lavinia’s skin at his low, gravelly voice. She slowly turned toward him and had to crane her head all the way back to look him in the eyes. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” Her voice came out breathless. Surely, because it was a chore talking to a man who was so much taller than herself.

This was the first time she’d noticed how truly large he was, or perhaps he’d just never stood as close to her as he was standing now.

“Besides, I offered you the honor of modeling for me, but you refused.”

“Uncle Bastian!” Victoria gasped, horrified by his brazen statement.

Lavinia sucked in a breath, her cheeks and ears burning in embarrassment. “You didn’t offer it as a compliment, I am afraid. You said I could be one of your deficient subjects.”

“I didn’t say that. And I would never say that,” Roth countered.

“But you meant it.”

Victoria’s head turned this way and that as she observed their little exchange. “I believe I shall… speak to Frau Elinor. Over there.” Victoria smiled and scurried away.

Lavinia pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes on the insolent marquess. Her cheeks burned, and her chest heaved with labored breaths. He always managed to ruffle her. She had never had a conversation with him after which she did not feel bothered, but also, oddly… alive.

“Here’s your issue, Lady Lavinia,” he said in his low voice that made her shiver. “You have ideas about yourself—which are wrong, by the way—but you have certain ideas about yourself and you assume that everyone agrees with you.”

Lavinia resisted rolling her eyes. “What kinds of ideas do I have? Please, do enlighten me.”

“That you are not as attractive as everyone else.”

She looked into his deep, green eyes and wondered if he was mocking her. “I am not as attrac—”

“That every other lady is perfect. That you are too big, too clumsy, too—”

“Very well!” Lavinia put up a staying hand. His directness was irksome. But even from him, Lavinia did not wish to hear the truth she knew about herself. “Thank you, I understand now. Do you have a point?”

“I do have a very good point,” the wretch said with a charming smile. His eyes glinted like emeralds, and laugh lines appeared at the corners.

“Then please, do go on,” Lavinia said unenthusiastically.

“My point is that you’re wrong.”

She sighed, her lashes fluttering down. Why must he mock her so? But if he insisted on continuing this discussion, she wouldn’t back down either. “In your response to my innocent observation that you should paint people who were anything but perfect, you asked to paintme.”


“Then how am I wrong in assuming that you think me deficient?”

Lord Roth’s smile turned sensual. Lavinia had to blink a few times to be able to concentrate on what he said next.Damn, but the scoundrel had a lovely smile. Full, soft lips curved in a perfect arc, showcasing white, straight teeth, but that wasn’t why his smile was lovely.


He had an adorable little dimple on his cheek that made his smile boyishly innocent, no matter how depraved he truly was. “Because, my dear Lady Lavinia, in my opinion, no lady—no person for that matter—is perfect. And that’s the beauty of it. Beauty is in imperfection.”

Lavinia opened her mouth to retort but couldn’t think of anything to say.Beauty is in imperfection.How utterly lovely. And how absolutely untrue. “If that was true, then considering all my imperfections, I would be the most beautiful lady in England.”

Lord Roth pursed his lips to hold on to his laughter. And the rascal still managed to seem charming as he asked, “What if you are?”

Lavinia emitted a sad sigh. “Ah, my lord, I knew you not to be kind, but there is no reason to be cruel.”