Chapter 11

Lavinia walked out of the corridor feeling hot and flustered. Her cheeks were burning, her hair stuck to her forehead, and her clothing clung to her. What was that strange feeling? Why was she burning up from the inside?

She rushed toward her room, unwilling to discern what she was feeling. Those lurid paintings, the marquess’s callous words, his gravelly low voice…

Wait…What did his voice have to do with what she was feeling? Lavinia picked up her skirts and started ascending the stairs when she heard the steps behind her.

She didn’t want to talk to anyone at the moment, so she hurried her step. The footsteps behind her picked up their pace, too.

Cold shivers ran down Lavinia’s spine. Was someone following her? She glanced back as she turned the corner and noticed a dark, shadowed man behind her. She couldn’t make out his face and she didn’t want to turn again and make it obvious that she’d noticed him.

Drat! Who was it? Was it the rude marquess? Or was it the person who’d sent her the ominous note?

Lavinia’s breath accelerated, and her fingers grew numb from fear. Before she made it to the corridor of the family wing, she thought she heard someone call her name.

“…Lavinia!” Now she was certain someone had called her name.

She froze on the top staircase landing and slowly turned around.


Her heart soared as her stomach made a flip inside. It was Dane.

Lavinia’s relief was almost a physical being at that moment. Her lips spread in a smile. Oh, how she’d missed him.

“Lady Lavinia,” he said, as he stopped before her and tipped his head.

“Your Grace.” She dipped into a curtsy.

“I’ve heard about your father. How are you feeling?”

Just like Dane to sidestep the small talk and jump right into the issues.

“I am well, thank you,” she said with a smile, while her heart beat violently in her chest. Dane was here. Right in front of her. His deep gray eyes glinted with kindness, and his full lips were pursed into a thin line. No matter. She loved his lips in any shape or form.

“I am sorry. This must be difficult for you. But if you want, I can look into his affairs—”

Just like him, to offer her help. Her knight in shining armor. She swallowed a lump that formed in her throat. “Actually, you don’t need to worry. His heir, Mr. Atwood has already arrived, and he is looking into everything. It is all taken care of to the point that I am here instead of back at home.” She forced a smile to her lips.

“Mr. Atwood? The name is familiar, but I do not think I’ve met him.” Dane furrowed his brows. “Well, I can call on him when we come back.”

“There is no need, truly.”

“There is every need. Your father is ailing, and there is no one to look out for you, not that he ever did.” The concern in his eyes was real, and Lavinia’s insides tightened. Why did he care so much, and yet clearly not enough? He would never be able to give her what she really wanted from him. So, she needed him to stop.

“You are right. He was never concerned about me. And I thank you for everything you’ve done, Your Grace, but I am a grown woman now. Without my father’s interference, I can take care of my life myself.”

“I never said you couldn’t,” Dane countered. “But I shall feel better when I meet with your guardian. Have you spoken to him about your marriage prospects? There is a matter of your dowry—”

Lavinia squirmed inside. Her marriage prospects were the last thing she wanted to discuss with him. When he was around, she couldn’t think of any other prospects.

“I–I need to change for dinner. Please, can we talk about this later?”

“Of course.” Dane tipped his head. “I shall not keep you any longer.”

Lavinia bobbed a curtsy and hurried toward her room.

* * *