As the vehicle jolted to a start, she opened the note again.

It was still the same, not that Lavinia expected it to change. Five words written in a precise scrawl, and then a mangled signature that looked like it spelledEverlyorErelius? Nothing made sense.

And why would a nefarious person sign their real name, anyway? They were probably trying to throw her off their scent. Or perhaps that wasn’t a signature at all. Maybe that was a threat?Ever die? What kind of threat was that?

Lavinia turned out the window and watched the changing scenery for the rest of her journey.

Even if she deciphered the text, what were her choices, truly? In the world she lived in, without a man to offer her assistance, she was completely helpless. And she had no man to save her. Especially not after what she’d done.

Dane would, her heart whispered.Dane would protect me.

Dane—the Duke of Kensington—would offer to help her in a heartbeat. He had been the one to save her from her troubles ever since he’d walked into her life. And a helping hand from a duke would be invaluable in her case. But what she wanted from Dane was more than a helping hand. And if she could not have that, she’d rather not have him at all.

The carriage drew to a halt, and Lavinia jolted forward. She fixed her hat on her head, drew her gloves tighter onto her hands, and exited the carriage.

She looked around again, but no one suspicious was about. Or at least, she didn’t notice anyone.

Lavinia entered the dank old house and slowly ascended the steps. The closer she came to the family wing, the slower her steps became. She finally stopped before the door to her father’s chamber.

Her heartbeat accelerated, and her breathing was erratic.

What if he’d awakened? What if he was awake, and he remembered everything?

She reached for the handle, carefully twisted it, and opened the door.