Chapter 9

Deep purple silk crushed under his fingers as he yanked it away from the creamy white skin. He ran his fingertip over round, soft flesh.

He leaned down, his hot breath causing goosebumps to appear on the perfect, silky skin. He picked up a brush and smeared the ivory color to mix with the bone-white complexion.

The next thing he knew, the living, breathing woman turned into the canvas as he stood over it with a brush in his hand and the scattered art supplies around him.

Perhaps he should add a shade of golden honey to replicate the kiss of the candlelight playing on her neck.

No! That wouldn’t do at all. He needed something else, something to depict how soft her skin was. Was it even possible? How does one paint softness?

Sebastian rolled over and almost fell out of bed in agitation. He opened his eyes and realized he was lying in bed with a very awkward feeling of arousal and inspiration.

He blinked in confusion. He hadn’t had a woman in some months, and he hadn’t painted even longer. His inspiration and desire were all mixed up in his head now, unwilling to let go.

And even in his lucid state, the visions of his muse weren’t leaving his mind. He needed… no, hecravedto paint her. His first attempt back in London had not been successful enough to quench his thirst for putting her likeness to canvas. Especially because her form evaded him. And for some reason, that fact didn’t give him a moment’s rest. What did she look like, his mysterious lady?

He threw back the covers and sat up. No, he wasn’t going to get any sleep tonight either. He ran his fingers through his hair. Perhaps he should try to paint. Anything was better than nothing.

After months of being in a painting drought—the artist’s hell—now he was in a different agony entirely. But at least he wanted to paint.

Sebastian stood and slowly padded to the chair by his bed, which held his clothing. Yes, perhaps he’d paint a little again, and then hopefully, his lady would grace his house party with her presence, and he’d be able to finish what he’d started.

He threw on his clothing and exited his room. With soft footsteps, he left the family wing and almost ran into someone in the dark. He halted and reared back.

“Bloody hell,” the other gentleman muttered. The voice sounded familiar.



“What are you doing roaming around in the middle of the night?” Sebastian asked, irritated.

“I might ask you the same thing.”

Sebastian raised a brow. The hall was dark, but a thin line of light from the moon crept from behind the clouds, illuminating the man in front of him. Now that Sebastian’s eyes had adjusted to the dark, he noticed that William was half-clad, not a waistcoat in sight, just his shirtsleeves under the cloak. “Ah, so you are coming from a clandestine affair, I presume?”

William shrugged. “Actually, no. At least not yet. Haven’t roped the ladybird into an affair yet. But you do not have to worry. I am not about to make a nuisance of myself. You will barely see me at the house party. I shall keep to myself, join the lords on your manly activities, and spend nights chasing after my bird.”

“Hm.” Sebastian tied the banyan tighter around him.

He was grateful that William would try to avoid his guests. William was not invited to many house parties, and when he was, scandal followed. The only reason Sebastian had invited him at all was because he had been present at the ball when the invitations were given out. And even if William was not a close friend, he did not want to make an enemy of him.

“And you?” William asked.

“Actually, I was going to try and paint.”

“Are you? Didn’t you complain just recently that you haven’t picked up a brush in months?” William craned his neck as if to peek over Sebastian’s shoulder.

“I haven’t…” Sebastian followed his gaze, but there was nothing there. “But I had an inspiration. What are you—?”

“Could it be? Bastian Devis is painting again?” William asked excitedly.

“I wouldn’t say so, no. I started, but the vision is eluding me. I can’t seem to finish the damned painting.” Sebastian heaved a sigh. There was a rustle behind him. He looked back, but nothing was out of place. Only the curtains at the end of the hall moved in the night breeze.

“Perhaps you need a model,” William threw out carelessly.

Sebastian’s attention snapped back to his companion.A model!Why didn’t he think of it himself? Suddenly, he was grateful he’d met his friend in the hall under bizarre circumstances in the middle of the night.