“Do you mind if I sit with him for a while?” Victoria asked.

Lavinia looked at Sebastian. She was loath to leave him, but she understood Victoria’s need to be with her uncle, too. So she nodded. “Of course. I could use a change of attire.”

Victoria smiled. “And perhaps some food?”

Suddenly, Lavinia became acutely aware that she hadn’t eaten anything since the night before. “You’re right. But will you tell me when he wakes up?”

“Of course.”

Lavinia left the room and wandered down the corridor to her chamber. She opened the door and instantly noted Miss Gale, in her usual spot, sleeping.

Lavinia dashed toward her cat and sat on the floor beside her. She’d missed her so much! She stroked her under her jaw, and Miss Gale stretched and yawned. She looked at Lavinia, turned around, and continued sleeping peacefully.

“I see you missed me, too, my loyal Galinthias,” Lavinia whispered with a chuckle. She pressed her back against the wall, sitting by her cat, listening to her light purring.

A tear slid down her cheek, but she didn’t even know why she was crying.

Everything had changed in just a few days. And yet again, everything was still uncertain. Miss Gale was her only anchor at the moment, her only constant in her life. And sitting by her side was just a reminder of that.

Lavinia’s eyes started closing, and her limbs felt heavy.

She shook her head and forced herself to get up. She couldn’t fall asleep on the floor. She needed to have some food and change. She needed to be ready when Sebastian awakened and called for her.

She walked to the servants’ bell and pulled on it.

Beatrice walked in almost instantly. “Good evening, my lady.”

Lavinia smiled. “Thank you for bringing Miss Gale back to me.”

“Of course.” The maid curtsied.

“Beatrice, I haven’t eaten in what seems like forever, but I do not want to go downstairs. Can you bring me some tea and something to eat, please?” She couldn’t face other guests in this house. Not yet.

“Of course,” the maid answered, then hesitated. “Lady Payne asked me to tell her when you returned to your room. Do you wish me to tell her you’re here?”

“Oh, yes. Please. And thank you.”

The maid smiled, and then her gaze fell to the bedside table. “There is some mail for you on the table, my lady,” she said and scurried away.

Lavinia had a sense of foreboding.

She walked to the bedside table and picked up a single envelope lying there. It was from Matilda.

There was a knock at the door, and Lavinia jumped in fright.Will I ever stop reacting to sudden sounds like this?“Please, come in.”

Annalise peeked inside the room and then rushed in. Lavinia took a step to meet her, and the old friends embraced as if they’d not seen each other for years, and it truly seemed this way.

“Oh, my, Lavinia!” Annalise exclaimed, as she finally disengaged and studied her friend from head to toe. “You look like you’ve slept in this attire for days.”

“Not for days, but I did sleep in this just now. Oh, Annalise, these were the most hellish days…”

“Were they?”

Lavinia let out a deep breath, motioned for Annalise to sit on the windowsill, and joined her. “I suppose parts weren’t as hellish,” she said slowly.

“Caroline filled me in a little, but she tried not to disturb me. I want to know everything!”

“I am afraid everything will take a lot of time.”