“Perhaps not in the way you wanted me to love you, but I did. I’ve had a great deal of time to think about this,” Kensington continued. “And I think that yes, I would have—I would have married you had you told me this earlier.”

Lavinia had to shake herself from the numb stupor she was in. “You would?”

“I would. I care for you, and marrying you would be better than—” He halted and grimaced. “Let me just say that it would have saved me from a few issues. And I do not think I would ever have been able to make you truly happy, but we would have been content.”

Lavinia let out a disbelieving snort. “Why are you telling me this now? There is no use. You’re married!”

“Yes.” Kensington nodded. “And the reason I am telling you this is precisely because it is too late for us. I have not paid attention to you when I should have. And I think you are not paying attention to what is right in front of you, either.”

Lavinia threw a glance toward the sleeping form of Sebastian. “Trust me, I pay attention.”

“And I started paying attention, too,” Kensington said with a sad smile. “He loves you, you know. And I can see that you love him, too. Not the way you loved me. Dare I say more fiercely than you ever loved me? And that is why I do not understand why you are resisting marrying him.”

Lavinia chuckled bitterly.If only it were that easy.“There is more to this than you know. There are issues—”

“Does he know about these issues?”

Lavinia shook her head.

“Well, then tell him.”

“I don’t know if—”

“And you will never know. Not until it’s too late. You didn’t tell me about your feelings until it was too late, and it seems like that was the right choice for you in the long run, but… Do not lose this. Do not lose him, just because you’re too late to tell him the truth.” He shook his head with a chuckle. “Do not be William.”

* * *

Sebastian opened his eyes and squinted at the canopy over the bed. His head hurt and when he tried to move—

“Ahh!” he growled and fell back against the pillows.

“What’s wrong?” Lavinia’s face appeared over him, and the pain in his body disappeared.

Well, not truly. The pain wasn’t gone, but it was overshadowed by the pleasure of seeing her.

“Did I ever tell you,” he croaked, “that I love seeing your face the first thing after I wake up?”

Lavinia pursed her lips to hold on to her smile, but it still managed to break out. She placed a hand against his cheek. “Does it hurt really bad? Do you want anything?”

He shook his head. “No, I think you healed me.”

“Sebastian,” Lavinia reproached. “Please, be serious.”

“I am serious,” he croaked. “But perhaps I can use a drink. Help me sit upright first.”

When Lavinia leaned in to help him, Sebastian wrapped his arm around her waist and tumbled her into bed with him.

“Sebastian!” she chuckled as she raised her head, her coiffure tumbling over her face.

“Did you fall,ma petite? What a pity.”

“If someone sees us—” she scolded softly.

“What? I might have to marry you?” Sebastian grinned, but Lavinia ducked her head.

She scrambled out of bed. “Let me get you a drink.”

Sebastian sat up and leaned his back against the pillow, hissing. His shoulder ached and pulsed, but it wasn’t an agonizing pain. Nothing to be troubled over. He’d had worse.