Was it the same handkerchief? Had she taken it with her? No… It was all bloody, and she’d left it there. So then, where did this one come from?

“What’s wrong?” Caroline came out of the dressing room with fresh garments in her arms. “What did Roth do when you tried to stop him?”

Lavinia shook her head. “No, it’s not that. It’s this handkerchief…” And then it dawned on her where she got it from. “My guardian gave it to me…”


Lavinia raised her gaze to Caroline’s. “I don’t think William was the one who kidnapped us.”

* * *

Sebastian didn’t know what he expected from his second. He’d picked him out in the middle of the night, and he didn’t care if he participated or not, because he knew that Kensington would arrange everything for the both of them. Yet there Lord McAllistair was, standing by Sebastian’s side as he reached the dueling field.

William leaned his back against the tree, sipping from a flask with a bored expression on his face. Kensington stood a few feet away, as if unwilling to associate with his bastard brother more than he needed to. And then there was another man, sitting on the opposite side of the tree with a valise by his feet.

“Are you certain you want to do this?” Kensington asked as he approached Sebastian.

“If you were in my shoes, wouldn’t you?”

Kensington shrugged. “There might be other ways, legal ways, to get out of this predicament.”

“He kidnapped me. His thugs hit me over the head and drugged me. He put the woman I love in danger. All so he could seduce my niece. What are the legal ways to deal with this?”

Kensington raised a brow at Sebastian’s choice of words, but he didn’t continue arguing. “Fair enough.”

Sebastian scanned the surroundings irritably, then tipped his head toward the man sitting by the tree. “Who is that gentleman?”

“The best doctor I could bring on such a short notice,” Kensington grumbled. “You at least could’ve given us a day to prepare. I haven’t slept, and poor McAllistair hasn’t even sobered up.”

“I couldn’t risk the word getting out.”

Kensington nodded. “Didyouget any sleep?”

“No.” Sebastian shook his head. “Did William?”

“I don’t know.” Kensington sighed. “But if you’re ready, I think we can begin.”

“Wait a moment. I know you’re not my second, but under these bizarre circumstances, I do not think it matters. You are the only one I trust with this.” He took an envelope from his pocket, sealed with his family crest. “This is a note to my solicitor about a change in my will. Just in case.”

Kensington raised a brow. “Are you certain you wantmeto deliver it?”

“Nobody would argue with a duke. But it does have my seal on it. Besides, I know you will get the solicitor to take this seriously. Because you care about her.”

Kensington took the envelope and twirled it in his hand. “It is about Lavinia,” he said.

Sebastian nodded. “I do not expect to die today. But it is better to be prepared.”

Kensington nodded. “I understand. And you have my word.”

As the sun rose over the horizon, Sebastian stood opposite William, their swords crossed. It was an odd twist of fate. He’d never thought he’d end up across from William in a duel, but here they were.

They circled each other, neither of them willing to attack first. Sebastian had never fenced with William, and he had no idea how good of a fencer he was. He didn’t want to underestimate him. But he wasn’t about to circle around him all day. He lunged, but William parried it swiftly.

“Now, do not make it easy on me, Bastian,” William said with a smirk. “I thought you were quite lauded for being an expert fencer. Unless you don’t want to kill me after all.”

“Oh, I shall kill you. Worry not,” Sebastian growled.

“So, you are just playing with me?” William lunged.