Chapter 28

Sebastian watched Lavinia, quietly resting in his arms. Her breaths were even, as she snored softly. She was so warm, so soft and welcoming, that he never wanted to leave her side.

But duty called.

He couldn’t ignore the duel he himself set up. So he crawled out of bed, got dressed, and with one last glance toward Lavinia’s sleeping form, left the room.

The moon still shone in the sky, and he had a few hours before dawn to clean up and shave off his four days’ worth of facial hair. He rang the servants’ bell and leaned his back against the wall.

He hoped McAllistair passed down all the information into the duke’s hands. His only job was to make certain the duel took place today, at dawn, at the Clover Close field. The rest, Sebastian was certain, Kensington would take care of.

Was he being foolish? Was the duel worth it?

He shook his head. Victoria had wonderful prospects. She was young and clever, ambitious and lively. She didn’t deserve to have all her dreams crushed just because a man had tricked her.

She was too trusting and naïve, and now she had to pay the price.

Well, Sebastian would have to pay the price, too. Because nobody had ever come out of a duel unscathed.

Was he truly going to kill William? The thought didn’t sit well with him.

What if William killed him instead?

Sebastian didn’t know how versed William was in the art of wielding a sword, but Sebastian was one of the best. He couldn’t take any chances, though. Not after this night.

He went to his bedside table for a piece of paper, dipped the quill into the inkwell, and wrote out instructions to make changes to his will.

If he were to die, he didn’t want to leave Lavinia with nothing.

What if she became with child?

Sebastian closed his eyes. He was definitely acting foolish. But was there a better way?

He hadn’t slept properly for two nights, and perhaps his mind needed rest before making monumental decisions. But he couldn’t let William get away with his wrong-doings. Because of him, Lavinia had been drugged with laudanum and carried away by the thugs! They could have hurt her. And that he could never forgive.

The servants came and, a few minutes later, bathed, shaved, and appropriately dressed, a riding crop in his hand and a sword hanging from his side, Sebastian was ready to leave.

He walked toward the grand staircase but paused by Lavinia’s chamber. He couldn’t leave without seeing her. He didn’t know what this day would bring.

Sebastian opened the door and walked in.

Lavinia still slept soundly, her chest rising and falling with her even breaths. Sebastian walked toward the bed and sat on the edge. He placed his hand on her side, a light touch, just to remember the feel of her for the rest of the day.

Lavinia moaned and opened her eyes. Her face immediately split into a smile. “Good morning,” she said in a sleepy murmur. Then squinted at the window. “Is it morning already?”

“Not yet. Go back to sleep.”

She turned back to him. “Why are you not sleeping? Why are you dressed?”

“I have to go,” he whispered. “But when I come back, I shall make arrangements, and we’ll get married.”

Lavinia rubbed her eyes, then clutched the covers to her chest and perched herself against the bed rest. “Sebastian, we shouldn’t get married just because you feel a sense of duty.”

“Did it feel like a duty to you last night?” Sebastian raised his brow, drawing pleasure from her blushing form. “Besides, I think we covered it last night or did you forget? You told me that you’re mine.”

Lavinia’s blush deepened. She leaned in and nudged his cheek with her nose. “I am yours. But before you make arrangements for this wedding, you need to know things… about me. I can’t marry you in good conscience before I tell you what I have to tell you. Otherwise, I am just as bad as William.”

Sebastian nodded. He had no idea what she would perceive to be as bad as lying about his true origins, but he wasn’t about to argue with her. He kissed her lightly on her lips. “Very well. You’ll tell me after I get back.”