“Well, I suppose I should go take a bath, now,” she said but remained standing still. She couldn’t make herself move away. Sebastian’s presence beckoned her to stay.

He sucked in a breath. “Yes.”

They stood there, not looking at each other but not willing to be the one to step away.

“You’ve been through a lot today,” Lavinia said, looking at his disheveled cravat.

“As have you.” His voice was hoarse.

Lavinia nodded. “So, you probably want to be alone.”

Sebastian shook his head and bit his lip. “I really don’t.”

Lavinia raised her eyes to his. It took her a split second to make a decision. One quick glance at his pain-filled eyes, and she knew what he needed. What she needed—nay, wanted. Slowly but confidently, she extended her hand. “Then… stay with me,” she said quietly.

A breath of relief left Sebastian’s lungs with a loud whoosh. He smiled, just briefly, the corners of his mouth barely lifting, and took her hand.