Another long pause. Victoria looked from William to Sebastian and back again, her shoulders shaking on a nervous chuckle. “You must be joking.”

William shook his head.

“Not just that. He is a criminal!” Sebastian growled. “A thief. He works with the king of London’s criminal underworld, Hades.”

Lavinia stepped toward him and placed a soothing hand on his arm, slowly shaking her head, as if saying,Not now.

Victoria’s mouth was half open, her brows furrowed. She watched William as if she didn’t recognize him. “How could you?” she said in a barely audible whisper.

“I can explain.” William reached for her, but she stepped away.

“I told you about my dreams and aspirations!”

“You can still have all that!”

“I told you why I needed to marry a gentleman! And youliedto me!” Victoria cried, her pitch rising.

“I didn’t! I never lied—”

“You tricked me! Humiliated me!”

Tears appeared in Victoria’s eyes. She picked up her skirts and hurried away. William’s eyes followed her every step until she disappeared behind the flowers.

Lavinia threw a devastated gaze toward Sebastian before rushing after Victoria.

“Do you think your relationship is perfect?” William spat. “Do you think you two have no lies between you?”

“It is a testament to how broken you are that you think comparing yourself to others is the only way to feel better about yourself.”

“Iama bastard,” William said bitterly. “Knowing that I am not the only one eternally damned regardless of the consequence of my birth is how I survive.”

“It’s a sad way to live.”

“What would you know about it?” William gritted out, then shifted his gaze somewhere behind Sebastian.

Kensington stepped into the alcove at that moment, his gaze trained on William. “I see you managed to ruin everything again,” the duke said softly.

“Not yet,brother,” William said with a smirk.

“Kensington.” Sebastian turned toward the duke. “Do you mind standing beside your brother at dawn?”

Kensington raised a brow. “A duel.”

Sebastian nodded sharply. “Your bastard brother tricked my niece into a marriage. I do not see any other recourse.”

“Name the weapon of your choice,” William said nonchalantly.

“A sword will do.” It was the only weapon Sebastian knew how to wield, and he wielded it better than most. He tipped his head. “I shall see you at dawn, William.”

Sebastian rushed out of the garden, forcing himself to calm down. How did he miss the signs of Victoria being manipulated? He was supposed to be looking after her, and he’d failed.

And now he’d left Kensington to deal with William. The duke had no love for his bastard brother, but what if he helped him run off?

No. If nothing else, Kensington was honorable.

Sebastian turned the corner and stumbled upon a drunken Ian McAllistair.

“Oh, pardon,” the man mumbled as he reared back.