Chapter 25

Kensington’s fist connecting with Sebastian’s jaw made a cracking sound before Sebastian lost his balance and the next thing he knew, he was sitting on the floor.

Of course, Sebastian saw the hit coming. His first instinct was to duck, but he also knew that he deserved it. So, he forced himself not to move until he had received his punishment.

“Dane, no!” Lavinia exclaimed, horrified, then ran toward Sebastian.

This was the welcome accorded to the master of the house.

The moment they had arrived, Caroline had led them into a study, where they were greeted by the duke. Now, Caroline was perched against the desk, watching the proceedings with a bored expression on her face.

At least, Sebastian mused, Lavinia had fierce protectors, and he couldn’t be unhappy about that.

“You ruined her!” Dane growled.

“No! He saved me.” Lavinia took Sebastian’s face between her hands and peered at his jaw.

“Let us be honest, dear. I did deserve it,” Sebastian said quietly.

Perhaps not for the reasons the duke had thought, but Sebastian did deserve a good punch to the jaw. And it felt good.

“No, you didn’t!” Lavinia said emphatically, and then toward the duke, “He didn’t!”

“You disappeared for four nights without a word! Then come home looking like beggars, and he does not deserve it? Oh, I beg to differ.” The duke appeared calm, but his hands were still fisted by his sides.

Lavinia helped Sebastian up. “It is not like we chose to run off together.”

“Did he marry you?” Kensington asked with a stony expression on his face.

Lavinia looked utterly confused. “I don’t… Why would he marry me?”

“Then, he will now.”

“Certainly,” Sebastian murmured.

“If I might interfere.” Caroline pushed off the desk and stepped closer. “They were taken from the estate against their will.”

The duke clenched his jaw as he looked at Lavinia. “Were you harmed?”

“No… Well, not in any way that matters.”

“I am fine, thank you for worrying,” Sebastian said drily.

“Why would I worry about you?” Kensington looked disgusted.

“Perhaps you don’t have to,” Sebastian said, cradling his jaw with one hand, another on the small of Lavinia’s back. “Or at least not about me. But you sure as hell have to worry about your brother because I am going to kill him. So, if we’re done here…”

“We are not done.” Kensington raised a staying hand. “What the devil are you talking about?”

Lavinia moved even closer to Sebastian as if trying to shield him. His own fierce protector.

“Your brother, William—”

“He is not my brother,” the duke bit out.

“—is the one responsible for our predicament.”

A blank expression overtook the duke’s face. “How do you know?”