“Sleep,” he murmured, as he pressed her head against his chest.

Lavinia wasn’t about to protest that either. She just closed her eyes and fell into a peaceful slumber.

* * *

It wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world to ride with a woman between one’s thighs, but it was definitely one of the most pleasurable. Her hair was tickling his chin, and her soft curves hugged his body as Lavinia slept peacefully in his arms.

What a brave little thing she was. She hadn’t once cried or given into conniptions upon discovering their situation. She’d bathed in the freezing stream, eaten his poorly cooked fish, and then joked with him while playfully sketching him.

She was extraordinary, and she didn’t even know that.

Sebastian shifted in his seat. He felt acute discomfort between his legs. Because as many tender feelings as she coaxed out of him, he also had this visceral reaction to her closeness. There was nothing to do about it. From the first moment he’d seen her, he’d wanted her. And every time she was close, or every time he thought of her, his body reacted. He wouldn’t be able to ride like that for a long time, and fortunately, he didn’t have to. The Roth estate was just about an hour away.

He imagined the soft, clean bed waiting for him when he finally made it home and was tempted to whimper. He would love to slide between clean sheets with Lavinia, hold her close to him, as he was holding her now, and just sleep. He didn’t need the kisses or erotic touches. Just sleeping next to her would suffice.

But he knew that was impossible under the current circumstances. He’d have to marry her first. And he would. No matter her protestations.

But first, he needed to deal with the bastard.

He looked at her peaceful form and tightened his arms around her.

Just at that moment, there was the rattling of a carriage and the sounds of horse hooves ahead. Sebastian squinted and finally noticed the lights of carriage lanterns.

Sebastian moved their horses to the side, not to get in the way of the carriage, but as the vehicle neared, it stopped just a few feet away.

Lavinia stirred in his arms. “What’s going on?” she asked in a sleepy voice.

“I am not certain.”

Sebastian lowered his hand and felt the dagger in his boot.

The doors of the carriage opened, and a slender woman with swishing skirts hurried toward them.

“Oh, thank God!” Caroline exclaimed from the darkness.

“Caroline?” Sebastian squinted at his cousin.

“John, Graham! Help Lady Lavinia off the horse.”

Two liveried footmen appeared by their side and helped Lavinia down. The moment her feet touched the ground, Caroline embraced her fiercely.

Sebastian raised his brows. He’d almost forgotten that the duchess and Lavinia were close friends, despite Lavinia’s affection toward her friend’s husband.

He dismounted and was welcomed by a frosty gaze from his cousin.

“You shall explain in the carriage,” she said sternly.

Sebastian blinked. And to think that he was her guardian for a few weeks upon coming to England. She’d settled into her role as a duchess quite comfortably; he supposed.

They climbed inside the carriage, Lavinia sitting next to Caroline.

Sebastian frowned. He’d prefer if she were by his side, but he realized that Lavinia must have felt uncomfortable, so he moved to sit across from them.

Once they settled into the carriage and Caroline stopped fussing over Lavinia, she looked at Sebastian. “Speak.”

Sebastian raised a brow. “You know that tone is unacceptable, my dear cousin.”

“When you drag my friend Lord knows where without saying a word and leave me to clean up after your disappearance, do you truly deserve a softer tone?”