Sebastian laughed and patted her foot. “All done.”

Lavinia shook her head in wonder. “You are a wonderful painter, a good cook, and now a doctor? Is there anything you are bad at?”

One side of Sebastian’s mouth kicked up in a smile. “Trust me, a lot.” There was a pause. “However, I shall try to do my best in doing your bidding. So, tell me. What is it you want?”

Lavinia narrowed her eyes on him and chewed on her lip. “When I was looking for fresh linen today, I found a sketchbook and a pencil in one of the rooms.”

Sebastian raised a brow. “And?”

Lavinia shrugged. “I thought perhaps we could use it.”

A slow smile appeared on Sebastian’s face. “I’ll go bring it.”

* * *

Sebastian found the sketch pad and the pencil and rushed back into the room.

Lavinia was leaning back against the pillows, her hair spilling about her shoulders, her hands demurely folded on her lap. She looked like a vision from his dreams.

He had dreamed about painting her, relaxed and scantily clad, since the first moment he had met her. And now that she’d finally allowed it, he bubbled up on the inside from anticipation.

It wasn’t the excitement of simply painting again, or even paintingher. It was the anticipation of learning more about Lavinia, studying the crevices of her soul, and putting them up on the blank canvas.

Painting someone was the most intimate thing he had ever experienced. In a way, it was more intimate than making love. True, more often than not he ended up bedding his models, but that was more the extension of the intimacy they’d shared, the natural progression. Because once someone let one into their soul, it was easy to let them into one’s body.

He stepped further into the room, and Lavinia looked at him shyly from beneath her lashes.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

“Yes.” Lavinia’s lips didn’t move, but her eyes shone in a wonderful, secret smile.


That’s how he wanted to paint her. That little smile that so many people did not get to see, that confidence in her eyes that was so rare. Perhaps, if she saw herself this way, if she saw how beautiful she was, she would smile like this more often.

And then she did something he did not anticipate. She reached out her hand.

Sebastian raised a brow. “You want me to help you up?”

Lavinia shook her head, and now she was smiling in earnest. “No, I want you to give me the sketch pad and a pencil, and I want you to undress. I am going to sketchyou.”

It took Sebastian a moment to process her words before he broke out in laughter.

Oh, cunning little vixen.Well, he had encouraged her to be wicked.

He sketched a bow. “As you wish, my lady.”

Lavinia grinned as she took the sketch pad. Sebastian held on to it for a moment longer, feeding off the feeling of her fingers on his. Then he took two steps back, looked Lavinia boldly in the eye, and started undressing.

Lavinia’s eyes hungrily followed his hands and devoured every newly revealed piece of flesh. Sebastian dragged it out on purpose. He slowly undid the buttons of his shirt, then inch by inch drew it from his body.

Lavinia’s mouth was slightly open as she watched him with rapt attention.

He put his hands on the falls of his breeches and paused. Lavinia caught her breath. Sebastian popped one button , and Lavinia leaned forward.

Another button.

She bit her lower lip.