It wasn’t his bed canopy. It was dark blue, and… was it dusty?

Sebastian groaned as he tried to turn, but his limbs felt heavy. There was a whisper of an ache in his head, and he felt groggy.

What were those dreams he’d had? It was all very similar to a time when he was invited to a sheik’s dinner party that concluded with their exclusive dessert, hashish.

His mind had become blurry, and everything seemed to proceed too slowly for Sebastian before the memories all blurred together and distant echoes of the world unknown started penetrating his mind.

Sebastian squeezed his eyes shut and opened them again, trying to concentrate. Now was not the time for pleasant reminiscence. He tried to get up, but his head was too heavy. Instead, he gingerly turned to the side and… froze.

He was not alone in bed.

Next to him, only a few inches away, lay the soft, rounded body of a woman. She was still clothed, although her bodice sagged, showcasing her undone corset and a cotton shift. Her long, wavy hair had escaped most of her coiffure.

The lady—for she was dressed like a lady—lay on her stomach, facing away from Sebastian.

“Please, be alive. Please, be alive!” Sebastian whispered to himself as he moved closer to her.

Heat still radiated from her body, but it could have just meant that she had been alive until recently. Sebastian gingerly nudged her on her side, and she murmured something in her sleep.

Alive then.

The last thing Sebastian needed was to be found in the bed of a murdered lady.

He moved closer and peered into her face. Her hair was in the way, but he truly didn’t need to see her face. He’d recognized her.

And he would have recognized her even earlier if his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him.


She was in bed with him.

Was it one of her ploys to compromise him? Because if so, it was sure to work.

Either that or he’d gotten drunk and…

Sebastian looked down at himself. He was still clothed, his breeches fastened. Hell, he was even still wearing his riding boots!

Sebastian sat up and looked around the room. The outdated wallpaper, dusty corners, and the furniture still partly covered with a white cloth all made it clear that this room had not been used in a while.

Sebastian slowly stood and walked to the window. He looked out and blinked, not believing his eyes.

From the window, he could see the ocean!

The ocean, devil take it!How in the world did he get here?

Sebastian licked his dry lips and almost gagged. That terrible taste, sweet but bitter at the same time, was still evident on his lips. He knew that taste all too well.

It was laudanum. Someone had fed him laudanum and while he was unconscious brought him here, wherever here was.

Suddenly, things started making sense. The disjointed memories of being in a carriage, of someone swearing, bringing him up the stairs. The scuffle in the field…


Of course, it was the damned bastard! He must have anticipated that Sebastian would refuse to give him permission to court his niece. So he had his thugs waiting in the bushes, and the moment he left, they hit Sebastian over the head, and brought him to God only knew where. And now William had the liberty to seduce Victoria.

The bastard had the gall to accost Sebastian during his own damned house party and transport him hundreds of miles away!

Sebastian turned and studied the prone body of Lady Lavinia. What of her? Why would William bring her there?