She was ready.

* * *

Lavinia came down to breakfast, hoping to run into Lord Roth. She needed to arrange an assignation with him, she needed to arrange for people to find them in a compromising position,andshe needed to do it fast before she started having second thoughts about the entire scheme.

She had no time for second thoughts. The sooner she got betrothed, the sooner she could go back home and save her stepmother from the company of Lavinia’s vile guardian. Matilda had sent her a note, saying that Lord Birch’s condition had not improved and that there was no change. She had urged Lavinia not to worry about her, but Lavinia couldn’t do that. Time was ticking away.

Lavinia needed to marry, and she’d found a perfect way to do it. All she needed was to execute said plan today. Her palms perspired, and her entire body started to get clammy.

No. I have no time for nerves.

Lavinia had a cup of coffee as she sat smiling at everyone in the breakfast room. Her stomach churned so bad she was not able to swallow a single piece of toast. She scanned the room, but Roth was not there, nor were either of her friends.

She wanted so badly to speak to someone, anyone, about her outrageous plan, but nobody was about.

After a few minutes of staring down her empty coffee cup and not finding any answers there, she left the room and went in search of Lord Roth.

She couldn’t seem to find him anywhere. She was even so brazen as to go to his studio, but the door was locked, and there didn’t seem to be anyone inside.

Lavinia roamed the mansion in frustration, starting to doubt her plan altogether. What if this was a sign? What if this was a sign from God? Perhaps she should turn away—

There were sounds of footsteps coming from the gallery hall.

Right. Gallery hall.Of course.That’s where he’d be!

She made her way toward the hall, but instead of running into Lord Roth, she collided with Victoria.

Lavinia caught Victoria by her arms. “Apologies, I wasn’t looking.”

“No.” Victoria smiled and started repining her hair. “The fault is mine. I was in a rush.”

Lavinia studied Victoria’s face. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes glowing, and her lips were slightly puffy. Lavinia would say that she was coming down with a fever, except her clothing was disheveled and her hair… Lavinia furrowed her brows.

“Victoria, is everything well with you?”

“Um, yes. Everything is perfect.” Victoria smiled widely.

“Are you certain? You seem… unwell.”

“Do I?” Victoria raised her knuckles to her cheeks. “Must be a sunburn. I should have brought a parasol with me.”

Lavinia narrowed her eyes. “To the gardens?”

“Mhm… I… um… wanted to spend a moment outdoors.”

Lavinia bit her lip. “Victoria… Please, let me know if I am overstepping, but I thought we were friends. We are, aren’t we?”

Victoria’s eyes widened innocently. “Of course, we are friends.”

“Then I need to ask you this question, and I expect an honest answer… Were you having an assignation with a gentleman in the garden?”

Victoria’s color deepened and her eyes shifted nervously from side to side. Then she leaned closer to Lavinia. “You won’t tell anyone, will you?”

Lavinia took her hands in hers. “Of course not. We are friends.”

Victoria’s lips swam in an indulgent smile. “Oh, Lavinia, I am in love!”
