“Well, I can ask my other servants and they can take turns watching her during the day and perhaps let her roam around even more. These lands are vast. And perhaps she will appreciate hunting on our grounds.” Sebastian’s breathing quickened as the corset gave way and all that was left between his fingers and her flesh was the thin fabric of a chemise.

Lavinia caught the corset against her chest and turned toward him. “It is strange that she took an immediate liking to you. You are the first male she ever did that to.”

One side of his mouth kicked up in a smile. “Perhaps she senses my noble character.”

Lavinia looked down her undressed length and then raised her brow at him.

“Fair enough, but I am not undressing you for my personal gain… Well, maybe a little. But mostly I am helping you.”

He walked toward the bed and threw back the sheets. “Get in.”

She placed her clothing on the chair beside the bed and climbed under the sheets. Miss Gale immediately jumped onto her and settled on her chest.

Sebastian sat next to them on the bed, a sudden thought plaguing his mind. “She didn’t likeanyman she came into contact with?”

Lavinia shook her head.

“Even Kensington?”

Lavinia let out a chuckle. “Even him.”

“Hm, she must have known he was not good for you.”

Lavinia smiled, then looked away for a moment before meeting his gaze again. “Will you kiss me again?”

Sebastian swallowed hard. “I don’t think it’s a good idea. I already took advantage of you—”

“Did I take advantage of you?”

“It’s not the same.” He placed his hand against her cheek, and she covered his hand with hers. So warm… So soft. So small.Damn.

Sebastian leaned down and placed a soft kiss upon her mouth. He licked slowly between her lips until she opened to him, then swept his tongue inside for one lingering kiss.

Just one.

He pulled away, his breathing frantic.

“Good night, Lady Lavinia,” he whispered hoarsely.

Before he could turn away, she caught his hand. “Maybe you don’t have to go.”

Sebastian blinked, not sure he’d heard her correctly. She wanted him to stay? That would not end well.

“Just… sit with me for a while.”

Sebastian had to summon all the willpower he had not to say yes to her at that moment. This would be most inappropriate. And if he stayed, they were not going to just lie there and talk.


He would kiss her.


He kissed her softly again and murmured against her lips, “Good night.”

Sebastian stood sharply and ran out of her bedchamber as though the hounds of hell were on his tail.