Lavinia dreaded the conversation that might have followed. She felt alone and abandoned without Victoria or even Roth by her side. She didn’t have anyone to cower behind. So before Dane reached her side, she ducked her head and slipped out of the room.

* * *


Lavinia stopped in her tracks. She’d managed to scale the long staircase and even turn toward the family wing, but she should have just hid somewhere instead. There was no way she could outrun Kensington or anyone for that matter. As it was, her breath was rapid, and her heart felt as though it was about to jump out of her chest.

She slowly turned toward him.

His gaze was hard as he looked straight into her eyes, trapping her in place. “I’ve been trying to speak to you for the entire duration of this house party, and yet you always manage to elude me. Is something amiss?”

Lavinia took a moment to catch her breath. “No, everything’s perfect.”

“Then why are you avoiding me?” His voice was hard.

“I am not.” Lavinia tossed her head defiantly.

“Truly?” Dane narrowed his eyes at her and took one step closer. “Then how come every time I want to speak with you, I have to chase after you?”

“Perhaps you shouldn’t have chased me,” Lavinia breathed, breaking their eye contact. She couldn’t look at him anymore. Not when he looked at her as though she were the only thing that mattered in the world. He had a way of looking at a person like that. Lavinia had to remind herself that she wasn’t special. He just made everyone feel that way.

“Lady Lavinia.” His voice gentled. “I only worry about your well-being, I always have. The duchess also expressed her concern—”

“Please,” Lavinia said quietly, tears prickling in the back of her eyes. She raised her hand to keep him away.

She couldn’t listen to this. He was always soft toward her when he was hard with everyone else. He was constantly worried for her when no one else was. And that was why she loved him.

But now that he was married, her heart bled just a little every time he showed her any sign of affection. Because if before she had harbored a hope that he could have loved her back, now that hope was dead. And every time he mentioned Caroline—his wife—Lavinia died just a little inside, too.

“Please, can you just let it go?”

“How can I let it go?” Dane furrowed his brows. “If I do, who will be the one to help you?”

“Your help is the last thing I need. The fact that I am avoiding you should have made you realize that!”

Dane stiffened. “The only thing it made me realize is that you are, in fact, in trouble.”

“I am not,” she lied brazenly. “I am quite well.”

“Truly? Is that why you are here at a house party while your father is on his deathbed?”

Lavinia stilled. “It is not for you to criticize how I decide to spend my time, Your Grace. You, of all people, know how he treated me. He has never been there for me in my time of need, and he doesn’t deserve me by his side in his.”

Dane stared at her intently, making her feel uncomfortable. “You are not telling me something.”

“Perhaps I am not. But why should I?”

“Because I am trying to help you,” Dane gritted out.

“Well, I don’t need your help, Dane!” Lavinia took a few deep breaths to calm herself. She licked her lips and repeated, calmer now, “I do not need your help, Your Grace. I do not need your meddling, and I do not owe you any explanations. Please, I would love for you to leave me alone.”

“I shall leave you alone when you look me in the eye and assure me that you are not in trouble.”

Lavinia’s head felt heavy. She couldn’t raise her eyes to him, let alone look him in the eye and lie. Not again.

“You’ll be of age soon,” he continued. “If your new household is troublesome, you can stay with us. The duchess can take you in as a companion.”

To live with them under the same roof? Lavinia would rather die. “I won’t—”