Chapter 14

People around Lavinia shouted and jostled from side to side. Lavinia instinctively tried to make herself as small as possible and occupy as little space as she could. Somehow she found herself sidling closer and closer to Lord Roth, to the point that their hands were almost touching.

Lavinia’s left side burned from his closeness. She felt slightly uncomfortable, yet she didn’t want to move away.

She couldn’t quite reconcile her feelings toward this strange gentleman. He didn’t repulse her. On the contrary, she felt a strange tug toward him. Sometimes it felt as though she had a thread tied to her bodice that was also tied to his waistcoat, and that it pulled her toward him every time he was in the room. Or every time he looked at her.

She was constantly aware of his presence, and it was quite unnerving. Someone waved a hand as they screamed toward the players, and Lavinia shrunk before staggering to the side.

She knocked against Lord Roth’s solid shoulder, and he caught her hand in his. He looked at her as she straightened with an apologetic smile, then squeezed her hand.

Lavinia’s heart jolted in her chest. The warmth from his hand traveled up her arm and then up her neck until she was blushing earnestly. He wasn’t looking at her though, and neither was he looking at the players. His gaze was troubled as if he was lost in thought. And in his distracted state, he must have completely forgotten that he was still holding her hand.

Lavinia shifted uncomfortably in place but didn’t pull her hand away. It was nice, she mused, having someone hold her hand. Was it the first time a gentleman had done that outside of dance? Very likely.

If anybody saw they were holding hands, she would be completely ruined, wouldn’t she? She looked around. Nobody was paying them any heed.

Would it be the worst thing in the world to get ruined by Lord Roth?

She peeked at him from beneath her lashes. He was quite handsome, she had to admit. Not that that had ever been one of her requisites for a husband. But he was wealthy and powerful. His name would give her the protection she craved.

But she didn’t like him… Did she?

No. He was insolent, arrogant, brash, and quite shameless. And aside from these adjectives, she knew nothing about him at all. Well, except that he was Caroline’s cousin.

“Excuse me,” he whispered closer to her ear, disengaged his hand, and walked in the direction of the exit.

Lavinia reeled as he left her side, feeling bereft and slightly chilly. How could she feel chilly in such a warm room with so many people around her?

Turning toward the players, Lavinia forced herself to concentrate on the game.

Caroline ran her finger along the table as she walked slowly toward the other side, while Kensington walked in the counterclockwise direction.

How could Lavinia even have contemplated the possibility of marriage to Lord Roth? He was Caroline’s cousin, and therefore, Dane’s relative!

No. She should stick to her plan and try to get Mr. Townsend to marry her.

Where was he? She turned her head just as there was a high-pitched yelp, a gasp, cheers, and sounds of excitement.

Lavinia turned toward the players once more. Caroline was holding Dane by his arm as she tugged the cloth from her eyes. Her skirts were still swishing around her legs as if she’d made a rash move. Dane likewise tugged off his cloth and looked Caroline in the eyes.

She whispered something to him, but before he could answer, she turned toward the crowd. “Who is next?”

Dane stood there frozen, studying his wife in shock or admiration. She had never seen that expression on his face before.

Was she wrong? Was everyone wrong about their marriage? Did Dane harbor tender feelings toward his wife, after all?

A huge boulder settled in her throat, and she struggled to swallow around it. There was a time she’d wished Dane would look upon her in that unfathomable way instead. Just then, he raised his head, and his eyes met hers.

Lavinia blinked. What a way to have her wish granted.

“Did you see that?” Victoria exclaimed in excitement. “Cousin Caroline is so fast! I would have never thought.”

Lavinia turned a polite smile toward Victoria. “Yes. Splendid.”

Victoria raised her hand and took a step. “I want to play next!”

As Victoria rushed to play the game, the Duke of Kensington moved toward Lavinia.