“No, go right!”

“He is standing still!”

The crowd went wild, misdirecting the hunter—the duchess—while Kensington, in fact, did stand completely still. Wasn’t the point of the game to move?

Any conversation became quite impossible though, so Roth had to contend himself with standing next to his muse silently.

Just then, from the periphery of the eye, he noticed Lady Carlyle fanning herself as she looked directly at him. Sebastian turned his head and met her gaze. Lady Carlyle lowered her fan just below her eyes and quirked her brow.

The invitation was clear.

Victoria was occupied with games, so he wasn’t afraid of leaving her in the parlor. And Frau Elinor sat by the wall with a smile on her face.

Nothing is holding me in this room.

The crowd jostled, and Lady Lavinia staggered to his side. Sebastian caught her hand in his.

Or perhaps something is.