Whether his speculation about her and the duke was true or false, he couldn’t have a liaison with her. He risked ruining her reputation and his own.

She needed to remain a muse for him and nothing more. As simple as that.

Sebastian returned his gaze to the beautiful widow by his side. “What do you think about modeling for a painting?”

Lady Carlyle licked the corner of her mouth. “What kind of painting?”

Sebastian studied her features intently as he spoke. “The kind that would require a great deal of privacy.”

Her mouth drifted into a sensual smile. “I shall let you know.”

* * *

The dinner was the liveliest of affairs. For the first time since Lavinia had arrived at the house party, she felt as if everything was going well. Mr. Townsend was charming and a good conversationalist. There was never an awkward pause in their interactions.

Lavinia would go as far as to say that this was her favorite evening of the house party if she ignored the fact that the owner of the estate was throwing dark glances her way the entire meal.

Lord Roth was scowling most of the evening, quietly sitting at his place, barely acknowledging the ladies sitting beside him. What darkened his mood? And why was he watching Lavinia?

Was he trying to figure out whether she was lovers with Mr. Townsend as well? The lout had the gall to tell her to her face that he thought she was Dane’s mistress!

The nerve of the man.

Lavinia had to admit that it was slightly flattering that he had thought she could ensnare a man such as Dane… But it was mostly insulting that he thought her a light skirt.

Did he truly approach her because he thought her loose? Did he want her for himself?

The thought startled her.

Was she, in fact, desirable to a man? And not just any man, but a titled, handsome, strong man with long fingers and blazing green eyes…

What? When did she notice that he had long fingers?

Lavinia had to shake her head from her involuntary thoughts. Just then, Lady Elinor invited all the ladies to join her in the drawing-room while the men partook in port.

Thank God, a distraction! Her mind was going in a direction she did not like at all.

Annalise reached her side and weaved her arm through hers. “Well, it seems like things are going well for you,” she said with a smile.

Lavinia nodded. “I think so. I think… Annalise, this might sound strange, but I think Mr. Townsend actually likes me.”

“It is not strange at all, my darling.” Annalise chuckled, her hand on her chest. “Marcus is a clever man. He can see how wonderful you are.”

Lavinia squirmed inside her gown. Her corset was laced too tight, and she felt slightly flustered. “I am not certain that is enough for a proposal, though.”

“Do not worry, darling. I spoke to Caroline and—”

Lavinia halted in her tracks. “Annalise!”

“Not about you.” Annalise tugged her forward. “And do not stop, you will attract more attention. I wouldn’t do that, dear. I wouldn’t speak to her about you without your permission. But… I talked to her, and I suggested that we play some parlor games tonight after dinner. And she became very excited and scribbled a ton of ideas.”

Lavinia gulped. “Aren’t those scandalous?”

“Some are, some aren’t. But they are a perfect way to get two people together without making it obvious. And then, of course, dancing does that too, and the ball is coming up in a few days.” They reached a settee, and Annalise sat down gingerly. “Apologies if it seems like I am pushing you, but aside from everything going on in your life, this babe is growing too quickly. I don’t think I’ll be up to attending more house parties. ”

Lavinia smiled and sat beside her. “It must be a wonderful feeling.”

Annalise’s smile turned tender. “The best.”