He shrugged. “Just that.”

“No, you don’t seem to believe me.”

“Listen, it is none of my business, so if you don’t want to tell me, I am not about to insist. It just seems a little more than a rebellion toward independence.ThatI know a lot about. My niece is doing it right now. She wants to choose a husband on her own.” He scoffed as if the idea was utterly ridiculous.

“And why wouldn’t she choose a husband on her own?” She watched from the corner of her eye, as his features turned grave.

“Because she is young and naïve and can fall for all sorts of lies. Gentlemen in England are not honorable.”

Now it was Lavinia’s turn to scoff. “As opposed to you?”

“I am in England, aren’t I?” He raised a brow and smiled his charming smile again. The wretch.

Lavinia forced herself to stay indifferent. “So, you admit that you are dishonorable.”

“Did you have reservations about that? Because I think offering to paint you unclothed sealed my title as a scoundrel.”

Lavinia threw him a side-eyed glare. “You weren’t serious when you offered that, were you?”

“Oh, I was very serious, but that is not what we were talking about, is it? I know a rebellious spirit when I see one, and you arenotit.”

“What am I then?” Lavinia stopped in her tracks, forcing him to halt too.

Roth looked her over under his hooded eyes. Lavinia’s breath hitched in her lungs, and her cheeks heated as she forced herself to stand still under his rather rude perusal. “I think you and the duke were involved,” he finally said in a matter-of-fact tone of voice. “And since he is here with his wife, you are avoiding them.”

Lavinia wrenched her hand away from his side. “How dare you?” she seethed.

He looked at her in bewilderment. “How—?”

“What do you take me for? A fallen woman? A-a mistress? Is that why you offered to paint me? Because if you think—”

“I did not mean to insult.”

“You did not mean to insult me by calling me a light skirt? Pardon for overreacting then!” She tossed her head back. “And thank you, but I do not need saving. Least of all by you. I’d rather face the wolves than be in proximity to you.”

“My lady—”

Lavinia turned on her heel and walked away.

And to think that she’d started to like him, to sincerely enjoy his company. What an idiot she was.