The idea seemed so simple now. Sebastian had an inspiration. All he needed to find was someone to paint. Perhaps that was why he had bits and pieces of the flesh come to his mind. He needed to fill in the blanks with a real-life model.

Not that models were just hanging about his house in the middle of the night… Even worse, he was in the middle of the countryside. In London, perhaps he could just go to the Royal Academy of Arts and seek out a model there, or if worse came to worst, go to a brothel. But not here.

“Well, in that case, I’ll probably need to wait until morning.” Sebastian turned to leave and paused. “But where will I even find one out in the country?”

“Don’t look at me,” William exclaimed with a chuckle. “You would have to pay me a lot of money to convince me to pose for you naked.”

“Lord forbid.” Sebastian leaned his back against the wall, suddenly tired. “Why would I want to paint you?”

“Why, I am the fairest of them all. Besides, who else are you going to find at this hour?”

A hoarse chuckle left Sebastian’s lips. “I thought you didn’t want me to paint you.”

“I do not. I am just saying that I might be your only choice.”

Sebastian raised his eyes heavenward. “Well, you’re right on one thing. I will likely not find a model here. Perhaps in the village… A bar wench?”

William let out a bark of laughter. “Do not be ridiculous. With so manyvirtuouswomen present under your roof, all you have to do is ask. Trust me, they will be grateful, and they will probably reward you handsomely for your talent.” William waggled his brows.

Sebastian cocked his head to the side. “Perhaps the ladybird you are trying to catch? I mean, if she is interested in you, there’s not much she’ll say no to.”

William choked on his laugh and then proceeded to cough into his fist. Sebastian frowned and clapped him on the back.

“Are you well?”

“Yes, quite well,” William croaked between fits of coughs. He straightened a moment later, wiped at his tears, and cleared his throat. “Apologies. But I do not think I am in the mood to share my most recent conquest. You’ll have to find someone else. But I am quite certain you’ll not have any trouble.”

Sebastian shrugged. “Perhaps.”

“Well, as much as I loved our little discourse… I better go.” William tipped his head and hurried away in the opposite direction.

Sebastian looked at the disappearing William and then back at the hall where he came from. Where was William going before Sebastian ran into him? He was acting quite strangely, not that Sebastian had ever known William to not act strangely. Was he trying to steal something? Or was he following someone in hopes of gathering some scandalous information?

Sebastian looked around but didn’t notice anything out of place. The curtains still rustled in the wind, the moon still illuminated a slight patch of the hall. Otherwise, it was dark and lonely.

He heaved a sigh. And now back to torture himself in bed with the visions of his muse without the ability to actually paint her.

* * *

When Lavinia, Annalise, and Payne arrived at the Roth estate, the house party was already in full motion. The weather was wonderful, so the gentlemen had gone out hunting, while the ladies were frolicking in the gardens or otherwise going about their business.

Payne’s carriage got delayed because of all the unplanned stops they had to make due to Annalise’s condition, and by the end of the trip, even Lavinia felt nauseous. Now, as they finally stepped into the house, she expelled a breath of relief. Their journey was over.

“Welcome to the Roth estate,” a thin, elderly woman with a turban over her head and a cane in her hand said from above the stairs. She slowly made her way down, accompanied by a much younger, beautiful ebony-haired woman.

Lavinia remembered the older woman to be the Marquess of Roth’s aunt, Lady Elinor. And the lady by her side must have been Princess Victoria, the young lady who had just made her come out. Lavinia was ashamed to admit that she didn’t remember her at all. But then she was preoccupied with other issues during the last ball.

“Good morning.” Lavinia executed a curtsy and watched the women’s unhurried approach.

The princess moved with fluid grace. Her head was raised, her neck perfectly balanced, like a swan. Come to think of it, she did remind Lavinia of a beautiful swan. Compared to her, Lavinia probably looked like a clumsy, large duck.

Lavinia threw a glance toward her friend. Even tired and sickly, Annalise looked perfectly composed and graceful.

Lavinia sighed with all the sadness accorded to women in her position. Now, women like Annalise and Princess Victoria were born to become countesses and duchesses. There was a reason Lavinia was always overlooked. And how was she to compete with the likes of a graceful swan gliding toward her when she was an odd duck?

“A pleasure to have you here, Lord Payne, Lady Payne,” the older woman said, with a slight European lilt Lavinia couldn’t quite discern. She turned toward Lavinia. “And…”

Of course, she didn’t even remember her.