She felt as though she were being studied. Judged. She didn’t want to divulge any information to the person in front of her. Granted, she had no reason to distrust him. But she couldn’t tamp the feeling of dread creeping up her spine… It made her shudder. Perhaps it was just the result of her eventful—if short—night at the Roth ball.

Now that Lavinia sat in front of her new guardian, she wondered if she’d needed to apply herself more during the ball. Perhaps she’d have to travel to Lord Roth’s house party in search of a husband, after all. But what if this gentleman in front of her wasn’t an adversary at all? Perhaps he would help her with her woes.

Lavinia tried to squash the hope inside her.

“Well, I would like to speak to you about the situation at hand,” her guardian said.

Lavinia blinked innocently. “Of course, Mr…”

He smiled one of his slow smiles. “Apologies. Where are my manners? I’m Mr. Atwood. But you can call me Cousin George.”

Lavinia swallowed. “A pleasure… Cousin George.”

“Splendid. I do not mean to tire you, but I do have some concerns I’d like to address as soon as possible. For instance, I have to tell you that I scoured the books today, and I found that your father was—is in dire straits.”

“I am aware of that,” Lavinia said calmly.

“Well, were you aware that he was on the precipice of landing in debtor’s prison?”

Lavinia licked her dry lips. This did not sound good at all. “I am afraid I wasn’t aware of that.”

“And now that I am your official guardian, I find it my duty to control Lord Birch’s expenditures until or if he ever awakens.”

“I understand. To be honest, I wish someone had done it sooner. That way, perhaps I would have a dowry.”

Mr. Atwood studied her carefully, from the top of her coiffure to her skirts that disappeared under the desk. “I have to say that I am very surprised to see you enjoying such nice silks if your father was in as dire circumstances as his ledgers indicate.”

Lavinia swallowed and crossed her arms across her chest. “This was a gift from a friend.”

“And if your father does not awaken,” her guardian continued as though she had not spoken, “I might have to make some very difficult decisions.”

“Such as?”

“Such as marrying you off to one of the men your father owed the most.”

Lavinia’s eyes widened, and her heart chilled. What did he say?Hewould marry her off to one of her father’s creditors? Lavinia knew most of the people Lord Birch owed money. She had met them on a few occasions, and none of them were pleasant enough to speak to for five minutes, let alone marry for her entire life. There was a buzzing in her ears as Mr. Atwood continued speaking.

“I know these are not the most perfect of circumstances. I understand you were unaware of most of the issues in the household, but I will not keep you in the dark. I think you are intelligent enough to know the truth and make your own decisions.”

“Make my own decisions?” Hadn’t hejustsaid he was about to force her to marry the man her father owed the most?

“Yes. I am not a cruel man. And I would never do anything to hurt you. But I am not about to land in prison for something your father is at fault for. However, I am certain you won’t resist marrying an earl, an heir to one of the oldest dukedoms. He is widowed and would appreciate—”

A widower. An old earl… One of the lecherous gaming companions her father owed money to. Lavinia barely heard the rest of Mr. Atwood’s words, before blurting out, “But I am already betrothed.”

Lavinia clamped her lips shut, but it was too late. The words were out, and there was no way back. Did she want to take her words back? What else could save her from her nefarious guardian’s plans?

“To whom?” He drew his bushy brows over his eyes. He was obviously taken aback by her announcement and not too happy with it, either.

Lavinia squirmed inwardly. She should have known that this question would follow, and perhaps she would have dwelled on it if the lie hadn’t slipped so easily off her tongue. But what else was she to do?

Either way, she needed to give this vile person a name, or he’d know she’d made everything up. Suddenly, all the names of people she knew disappeared from her addled mind.

The only name that echoed through the chambers of her empty heart was the name of the man she could not call.Dane…

No, Dane was married. Were she to name him, her guardian would know that was a lie. Who else did she know who was unmarried? Well… there was another gentleman whose name came across her mind, but she would be damned before she named him. The rude and arrogant marquess who thought she was out to ensnare him.

She tried really hard to remember someone, anyone else, as using Caroline’s cousin’s name was the worst idea ever.