Chapter 5

Nobody had expected Lavinia to be here at the last ball of the Season. Actually, nobody would have expected her to be here if anyone paid any attention to her. But here she was at the periphery of the ball and not an eyeball directed her way.

Perhaps nobody knew about Lavinia’s father’s condition. And even if they did, would they care? Gossips certainly would have found a word or two to describe Lavinia’s impetuous actions. How does a lady go gallivanting around ballrooms when her father is on his deathbed, after all?

Annalise didn’t give Lavinia much of a choice, however. Determined to help Lavinia avoid a worse fate, she brought her to Lord Roth’s ball, hoping to find her a suitor. In one night.

Lavinia would have scoffed if she had any strength left. At the moment, all she could do was follow Annalise’s instructions and drink awful ratafia, just to keep her hands busy.

She needed to keep her mind busy, too, but that was a more difficult task.

Her mind kept circulating around three issues, one thing buzzing louder in her mind, and then quieting down only for her to torment herself with the other issue.

The note, her father’s condition, and the Duke of Kensington.

The three issues kept plaguing her, although she could not do anything about them at the moment.

She looked down at the beautiful purple gown she wore, remembering the day she’d bought it.

Caroline had helped her pick out this gown. She had selected the color, the design, the bodice, everything down to the petticoats to help Lavinia win over a suitor. What neither of them had realized at that moment was that the suitor Lavinia had been trying to impress was already Caroline’s betrothed. Oh, how amusing fate was sometimes.

And now Lavinia wore the same gown as her last attempt to ensnare another man. Any man.

How would she ever be able to flirt with anyone when Dane was in attendance? How was she to walk around him, laugh, and smile while he was there with his wife on his arm?

Tears threatened to erupt from her eyes, and her fingers bunched into fists by her sides. There was nothing she could do about that, just like there was nothing she could do about the gown she was wearing. It was the only piece of clothing that was remotely appropriate for the occasion. All her other gowns were overworn, dull, and did nothing to flatter her figure.

Lucky for her, Dane had not made an appearance at the ball yet. It didn’t mean, however, that he would not and not knowing was driving Lavinia slightly mad. She would rather be prepared.

“Oh, Lord, this was a mistake,” Lavinia whined out loud.

“Why do you say so?” Annalise asked, sidling closer to her.

“There is no way I am going to find myself a husband in one night.”

“Perhaps not, but you might find a suitor who will start courting you just as the Season closes. Otherwise, how else are you going to find a husband once the Season is over?”

“It’s not only that, Annalise. I cannot concentrate on anything. I am afraid that—”my father will wake up while I am away, or worse, die.Although she wasn’t sure that his death was the worse of the two possible eventualities. She wasn’t going to say any of this to Annalise, either. As luck would have it, she didn’t get to finish her sentence anyway, because just then the butler announced the arrival of the Duke and the Duchess of Kensington, and all eyes were directed toward the main staircase.

Dane, tall, broad-shouldered, and positively handsome, appeared at the top of the stairs in all black, except for his white stockings, shirt, and cravat. His wig was fashionably trimmed and hung about his shoulders, a shocking contrast to his bronzed face. Lavinia knew that he spent a lot of time outdoors, riding and visiting his tenants. Even in London, he had never been idle. Lavinia knew too much about his activities. She used to collect every piece of information about him and then asked him everything she didn’t know on occasions when he came to visit her household.

Seeing him made Lavinia’s heart sore, but it sank as quickly as it rose, for by his side, hanging on his arm, was his wife.

Caroline had a demure smile on her lips as they glided down the stairs. She was wearing a fashionable golden gown with ocean-blue overskirts and bodice. Her hair was collected on top of her head, and a few strands crowned her face in soft waves. She had thick mahogany red hair that glinted and glimmered in the candlelight, shimmering into gold from one angle and dark brown from another. Combined with her marble-white complexion and her soft rosy lips, she looked stunning.

Damn her.She and Dane looked absolutely gorgeous together.

Tears sprung to Lavinia’s eyes, and she blinked them back, unwilling to cry in front of the entire ballroom—not that anyone was paying her any heed. All eyes were on the newly arrived couple. And who could blame them?

The perfect couple. Everybody whispered behind their fans, talking about just how well suited they were. Lavinia’s breaths accelerated; she would not be able to hold on to her tears any longer.

“She looks crushed,” Annalise whispered softly by her side.

Lavinia blinked and turned toward her friend. Was Annalise speaking of Lavinia in the third person?

No, she was carefully observing the new arrivals, too.

“Who are you talking about?”