Lavinia smiled sheepishly. “I’ll just end up hurting you again.”

“You could never hurt me.” Sebastian swept a lock of hair away from her face. She leaned into his touch like a cat. And just at that moment, through a slightly opened door, Miss Gale entered the room.

She meowed to garner attention for herself, then silently hopped onto his bed.

“Ah, I see you got your cat back.”

Lavinia nodded. She stroked Miss Gale’s fur, but the cat walked past her and climbed on Sebastian’s chest.

He reared back with a grimace.

“Oh, she does that,” Lavinia said. “She knows when people are hurting and lies on the injured part.”

Sebastian raised his brow. How many times had this kitty “healed” Lavinia this way?

“Do you want me to collect her?” Lavinia’s face was a worried frown.

“No, let her heal me.” Sebastian was a man of science. But he didn’t mind the warm body of a cat lying on his shoulder as long as she didn’t rip the bandages.

Lavinia smiled her sheepish smile again. “You must think me a fool. But she truly does seek out the injured or ill people. Except, usually she avoids men. But you are an exception for some reason.”

Sebastian grinned. “I am just that charming.”

Lavinia burst out in laughter. Miss Gale raised her head in irritation but then continued to gingerly sit on his shoulder.

Huh.She did exactly what Lavinia said she would and sat on his injury.

Now Sebastian half lay in bed with a purring cat on his aching shoulder. Lavinia’s smile turned gentle. “I feel like she’s in love with you. I don’t think I can blame her.”

Was that an admission?

Sebastian peered into her big, brown eyes, and he could feel the warring emotions inside.

He cleared his throat. “I don’t suppose her presence will be a hindrance. I wanted to speak with you.”

“Oh.” Lavinia’s face turned grave. “Yes. Me too.”

Sebastian perked up. He didn’t want to show her the note. He wanted her to confide in him all on her own. “Why don’t you go first?”

A fortifying breath left her lungs. Lavinia looked down at her hands. “I actually have several things I want to discuss. And… most of them are about our marriage.”

She saidourmarriage. Surely that was a good indication? “I am listening with rapt attention.”

“Well.” Lavinia shifted with visible restlessness. “Do you want to marry me only because you compromised me?”

“And by compromised you mean made love to you?” Sebastian smiled slowly, watching as her cheeks turned cherry red.


“Then no.”

Lavinia blinked up at him.

“Icompromisedyou because I’d already made up my mind about marrying you.” He stared directly into her eyes to make certain she knew he wasn’t lying.

“Then why do you want to marry me?” She looked earnestly confused.

As if she couldn’t fathom that somebody would marry her out of their own free will. Or was it because of her secrets?