“How is Annalise?” Lavinia asked.

Payne looked at Lavinia as if he’d just noticed her. “Lady Lavinia, we thought you’d left for London.”

“I didn’t make it far.” She smiled sheepishly.

Payne’s gaze fell to their clasped hands, and he raised a brow. “Annalise is well. But she would love to see you. She was worried.”

Lavinia nodded. “I would love to see her, too.”

Caroline returned just then with Kensington on her heels. “Here’s turpentine,” she said. “And clean sheets will be here in a moment.”

“Good.” Sebastian nodded, then turned to Lavinia. “Ma petite,for this one, I shall need you to look away. Can you sit by the window for a moment?”

“But you told me to be by your side.”

“Yes… later. This one will be gruesome.”

“I can ask Annalise to—” Payne started, but Lavinia shook her head.

“No. No need to disturb her. I”—she stood and walked toward the window—“I shall be here until you’re done.”

Lavinia understood that she would be in the way, but she didn’t want to leave the room. She wanted to make certain she was by his side if Sebastian needed her.

So she stood by the window and looked on as Payne and Kensington held him down while Caroline cut open his wound and poured warm water inside.

The view was truly horrifying.

Lavinia would never forget Sebastian’s red face, a piece of cloth between his teeth, every muscle in his body taut, and most of all, the roaring sounds he made. He had passed out before Caroline finished applying turpentine to his wound and wrapped it with fresh bandages.

Thank God.At least he wasn’t in pain anymore.

“We should let him rest,” Caroline said as the maids finished cleaning up the room.

Sebastian lay still in bed, his breaths even, his face relaxed.

“I’d rather stay,” Lavinia whispered.

“There will be gossip,” Kensington warned.

“We’ve already caused so much gossip this morning. My staying here will not change anything,” Lavinia insisted.

“I do not think any of the guests witnessed anything. And servants in this household do not gossip,” Caroline said firmly. “Stay as long as you wish.”

She patted Lavinia on her arm and left the room.

Lavinia sat on the chair by Sebastian’s side and watched the even rise and fall of his chest.

Kensington dragged a chair to sit by Lavinia’s side and shifted uncomfortably. “Lavinia, I’ve been meaning to speak with you for a while. Since—Since that day when you told me you loved me.”

“Oh.” Lavinia grimaced. “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything—”

“No.” His expression was pained. “In fact, I think you should have told me earlier.”

Lavinia turned toward him, surprised. “You do?”

He sighed. “Yes. I’ve always… Well, you know that I always sought to protect you. I cared about you, dare I say, even loved you.”

Lavinia’s eyes grew wider with his every word. Where had this conversation been when she’d needed it most? When she was desolate.