“Step aside!” Caroline said to the servants as she entered the room. “What do you need?”

“See?” Sebastian asked. “We have all the help I need.”

“You need a doctor!” Lavinia said emphatically.

“Come closer,” Sebastian whispered.

Lavinia raised her brows in annoyance but leaned in still. “What?”

“Closer, damn it,” he growled.

Lavinia leaned in a little more. Sebastian reached out, grabbed her by the nape, and brought her even closer until his lips touched hers.

It wasn’t a light kiss. It wasn’t soft or reverent. It was a kiss of desperation. He kissed her as if he wanted to possess her right there, in front of everyone. When he finally let her go, they were both panting.

“Do as I ask,ma petite. And everything will be fine.”

Caroline delicately cleared her throat, and Lavinia might as well have burned from shame. Not even married people showed as much affection toward each other. It was indecent.

But Sebastian was hurt, and from the smell of alcohol on his breath, she concluded he was also drunk, probably from trying to dull the pain. He didn’t know what he was doing.

Was that enough of an excuse for his behavior? Definitely not enough excuse for Lavinia’s behavior.

“Anything we can do?” Caroline asked.

“Yes. I need you to bring a sharp, clean, preferably a never-before-used knife or a dagger to open my wound further.”

“What?” Lavinia was horrified at what she was hearing.

“I have that,” Kensington said and left the room.

Caroline followed his defection with narrowed eyes, then turned back to Sebastian. “What else?”

“Ask the servants to bring turpentine or vinegar. And clean sheets.”

Caroline nodded and left.

Why is everyone so calm?Lavinia was shaking in panic. She looked at Sebastian’s pale face and tried to collect herself. He needed her.

Lavinia touched his cheek. “What should I do?”

He took her hand and squeezed it tightly. “I have the most important job for you.”


“Stay by my side.”

Lavinia squeezed his fingers. “I want to help.”

He smiled, then brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “You are.”

There was a slight rap at the door, and Lord Payne peeked his head into the chamber. It seemed like the hubbub had awakened the entire house. “What is going on? There’s so much noise. Annalise was afraid there’d been an invasion.”

Sebastian chuckled and then hissed, his hand tensing on his wound. “Everything is fine. But we could use your help. Come in.”

“Everything is fine?” Payne walked further into the room. “You’re bleeding.”

“Yes, well, at least, nobody is invading us.”