Chapter 29

Lavinia and Caroline were questioning Sebastian’s valet, hoping that he knew where the duel was taking place. The lad was not helpful at all. And just when they were going to give up in despair, they were distracted by the hubbub downstairs. They rushed toward the noise and saw a horrifying sight.

Sebastian was undressed down to his breeches, one arm around Kensington, who was holding a bloodied piece of cloth to his shoulder. Kensington was shouting orders at the servants as they made their way toward the stairs. There were other people there, other men, but Lavinia didn’t see anything else around her.

Sebastian was hurt.

She rushed toward him, paying no heed to anything else. “How badly are you hurt?”

Sebastian disengaged from Kensington and instantly wrapped his uninjured arm around Lavinia’s shoulders. Lavinia enveloped him in an embrace and burrowed her face in his chest. Sebastian drew her closer and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

“I am well. It’s a superficial wound. Nothing to worry about.” Did his words slur? She looked up at him and he smiled. “I didn’t kill him, if that’s what you’re wondering,” he said, and his warm breath, smelling of alcohol, hit her face.

“Didn’t kill him? Oh, William.” Lavinia shook her head. That question wasn’t even on her mind. “As long as he didn’t kill you, I don’t care.”

“Didn’t you want to save me from damnation?”

“The room is ready,” Kensington said by their side.

Lavinia jumped. She had completely forgotten they were not alone. Now she was acutely aware that there were people staring at them! And here she was, wrapped up in Sebastian’s arms.

“Let’s go,” he said and kissed her on the forehead. He staggered, and then walked toward the stairs, not letting go of Lavinia.

She squirmed uncomfortably.

“Don’t you think it is better to let me help you?” Kensington asked.

Yes. Probably best.

Lavinia was about to disengage from Sebastian’s side, but he tightened his arm around her. “I am perfectly capable of walking on my own. But I’d ratherMa Petiteis by my side.”

Lavinia’s cheeks burned. It was utterly inappropriate, but she couldn’t seem to peel herself away from Sebastian even if she wanted to. And she didn’t want to. For all her squirming and blushing, at the end of the day, she didn’t care what people thought. She just wanted to be close to Sebastian.

They made their way upstairs, and Lavinia led him into his bedroom. She helped him climb atop his bed, and Sebastian tugged her to sit by his side.

“Now, Doctor,” he said. “I need you to open my wound further and clean it before bandaging.”

“I will do no such thing,” the white-haired old man said gruffly. “It is better to let the wound heal under scabs.”

“I understand that this is a controversial subject, but I was part ofL’Académie des Sciences.And I believe this is a more thorough way to heal the wound.”

The doctor puffed out his chest. “I respectfully disagree.”

Where did Kensington find this insolent doctor?“Since I am the one injured, I believe I should be able to make the final call.”

“I can’t in good conscience let you dictate to me what to do and then be responsible for your health after,” the doctor said stubbornly.

Sebastian frowned. “Then you can go.”

“Sebastian!” Lavinia exclaimed, horrified.

Sebastian took her hand and brought it to his lips. “Trust me, I know what I am doing.”

“I do not doubtyou, Sebastian. But who is going to help you?” she asked as the doctor collected his belongings and left the room, grumbling something under his breath.

“You. And him.” Sebastian tipped his head toward Kensington.

Lavinia had completely forgotten Kensington’s existence again. She looked at him and shook her head. “He is not a doctor. I am not a doctor either. We can’t—”