Lavinia shook her head. Now it was her time to start pacing. “I know why you would think so, but despite everything, I am not foolish. I cannot afford to cry into my pillow now that my future is in jeopardy. And in the world we live in, the only protection I can count on is finding a powerful husband. Or any husband, for that matter.”

Annalise chewed on her lip thoughtfully. “I shall ask Payne to help me. He has many friends, albeit most of them are either married or rakes. However, I am certain we can find at least one proper gentleman for you.”

“Thank you,” Lavinia agreed with a nod. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“Thatyou never have to worry about.” Annalise stood, approached Lavinia, and took her hands in hers. “I shall talk to my husband and then we can arrange for an intimate dinner party and introduce you to a few decent men. I am certain Caroline can help, too. Her cousin, the new marquess—” Annalise’s eyes lit up, but Lavinia could not even continue listening. The idea that she could marry Caroline’s cousin, while Caroline was married to Dane, was sickening.

“Please, Annalise.” She raised a staying hand. “Please, do not involve Caroline in this either.”

“Lavinia…” There was that look of pity again in Annalise’s eyes, and it pained Lavinia to see it.

“I am not against Caroline helping me. I… Despite everything, I am not angry with her or with anything, for that matter. But I can’t wed someone related to Dane even by marriage. And I’d rather Caroline didn’t know of my predicament.”

“But she could help.” Annalise’s features were troubled, and Lavinia wished she didn’t worry her friend.

“I know she can. And she is a good friend. But we do not know what her relationship with Dane is like. I do not want him to know of my woes. And I do not want him finding out. Confiding in his wife is a risk I cannot take. I do not want either of them involved. My heart will not take this.”

Annalise nodded, although Lavinia could see the doubt in her friend’s eyes. “Very well, we shall not involve Caroline in this. But… she is worried about you. She was heartbroken when you left the nuncheon so soon. I realize now it probably had nothing to do with her, but that’s what she thought.”

It had everything to do with her.Lavinia bit her lip. “I do not mean to make her suffer. Despite what transpired between us, I just want to move on from this pain and grief, but it is not easy, Annalise.”

“You won’t be able to avoid her forever, dear. Especially if you start attending social events.”

Annalise was right. That moment in Annalise’s parlor had been awkward and uncomfortable. But cutting Caroline out of her life was almost impossible if she intended to continue being in the same social circle with her. Caroline and Dane were constantly at every function and avoiding them would be like avoiding the rain in England.

However, if Lavinia failed to secure herself a powerful husband, this issue would simply cease to exist, because if everything failed, she would not be part of anyone’s social circle. “I shall make peace with her, I promise. But right now I have bigger things to worry about.”

“Very well,” Annalise agreed slowly, as if not quite ready to concede to Lavinia. “If that’s what you think is best, I shall respect that. But having a duchess by your side in times of difficulty is not the worst thing in the world.”

“I know. And I’ve had a duke by my side most of my life. I think it’s time I’ve dealt with my issues on my own.”At least for now.

Lavinia had too many issues to concentrate on. It felt as if everything was spiraling out of control. She’d deal with everything later.

One issue at a time. First, she needed to find herself a husband.