She turned away, unable to handle his blunt words. When she married Hunter, would she own her soul? Or would it belong to him to do as he pleased?

“This—my mansion—is the land of the free. We do what we want, but we do not harm anyone. Not anyone who doesn’t deserve it, in any case. And whether you deserve it or not is not determined by the happenstance of your birth but by the consequence of your actions.”

Eloise walked to the bookshelf and ran her fingers over the book spines. The action calmed her nerves. Being in the proximity of Hades was unnerving enough, but his words just made her question everything she knew about her life.

Verity had said something similar a few days ago. She’d said women were free to do as they pleased in this mansion. They belonged to no one. And as much as Eloise agreed with her friend’s words, she still considered herself freer. Why? Because she didn’t have to sell her body to put food on the table. But did she not?

Do you even own your soul?

Hades’ harsh words rang through her mind. Marriage was a transaction, wasn’t it? Her body for her husband’s wealth or lack thereof. Her cooking and mending skills for the stability of a roof over her head and food on her table. By marrying Hunter, she would be selling her body and perhaps even her soul. Unless she chose differently.

She turned back to Hades, only to see that he was staring at her. His eyes were shining with hunger. Butterflies fluttered deep in her belly, and her hands fisted by her sides.

“Perhaps Iamsoftening to your ways of life,” she said, her voice trembling slightly. “But I need to know more about it to make up my mind.”

One side of Hades’ lips lifted up in a smirk. “And when you do, what then?”

“Then I might convince my brother to stop going after you.”

Hades’ features darkened. “I do not wish to speak about your brother.”

Eloise took a deep breath. “Very well. What do you wish to speak about?”

Hades shook his head. “How about you read me another book instead?”

Eloise cocked her head to the side. “You would like me to read?” It flattered her that this huge, formidable man enjoyed sitting next to her and listening to her read.

“Yes. Very much.” His eyes softened as if in a smile, although his lips didn’t move.

Warmth unfurled deep inside Eloise and spread to her limbs. Her cheeks heated, and she felt a bit light-headed.

“Come,” she said and sat on the floor by the fire.

Hades settled across from her, leaning against the chair and stretching his long legs in front of him. He crossed them at the ankles and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked very relaxed. No longer the formidable hell owner but just a man, come to relax after a long day at work.

Eloise smiled to herself and opened the book.