“Experiencing what?” Her voice was breathless.

“Life, joy… pleasure.”

Eloise’s breath caught. There was something magnetic about the man’s voice, coupled with his words, and Eloise was stuck like a fly in a spider’s web, unable to move.

“If your hell is made for experiencing and not observing, then how come there are so many peepholes?”

Hades smirked. “Did you look?”

Eloise swallowed. “That’s the only way I was able to observe… I wasn’t wandering the halls if that’s what you thought.”

“No.” Hades slowly shook his head. “And that’s not what I’m asking, either. In the private chambers. Did you look?”

Eloise’s cheeks heated, and she might as well have burst into flames from shame.

Hades tsked. “Such a wanton. Did you like what you saw?”

Eloise didn’t answer. She couldn’t even if she wanted to; her throat was closed. Hades took one more step, and he was only a few inches away from her now. She was trapped between him and the wall. She should have felt uncomfortable, but all she wanted was to lean into him.

Hades dipped his head, and then his mouth was on hers. A guttural moan ripped from Eloise’s throat. She raised her hands to clutch at his shoulders—otherwise, she had a feeling she would collapse.

But he took her by her wrists and held her hands above her head with one hand, anchoring her weight against the wall.

“No touching,” he growled, and then his mouth descended on her again.

Why not?She couldn’t ask him. His mouth was devouring her, his tongue probed at her lips, and she didn’t want him to stop.

With a moan of surrender, she opened to him, and his tongue was inside her. Sweeping around her silken interior, making her forget the entire world. She closed her lips and sucked on his tongue, making him groan.

Eloise rejoiced at the sound. She felt powerful that she could elicit such a reaction from this man. She wasn’t the only one lost in their passionate embrace, it seemed. She arched her spine, trying to feel more of him. Her fingers twitched, and she struggled to get her hands out of his hold. She wanted to touch him. Everywhere. She wanted to feel his hard, hot body beneath her fingers. She wanted to run her hands against his tight muscles. She wanted to feel his every twitch and move.

She arced like a cat, rubbing her pelvis against him. She felt his engorged male organ and moaned again. The idea of licking it was not disgusting at all now. She wanted to feel it, to touch it, to taste it.

But Hades moved his pelvis away from her, and she whimpered. She wanted to get closer to him while he held her at arm’s length. The only body parts touching were their hands and mouths, their tongues playing and rubbing against each other. He tightened his hold on her as he continued devouring her mouth.

His body didn’t touch hers, and as much as she twisted to have a simple graze of her skin against his, he kept away from her.

It was cruel. She could feel the heat of his body but had no access to it. She turned her head and liberated her mouth from the onslaught of his kisses. He didn’t skip a beat; he just trailed his hot kisses down her chin and to her neck. A breathy moan escaped her, and she tilted her head back to give him more access. He put his lips around the tiny pulse on her neck and sucked.

Eloise cried out in pleasure, her body twisting with need. She felt hot liquid gather between her legs, and she needed something there. She needed him there. She needed his touch.

Eloise raised her leg and hooked her foot behind his knee in a desperate attempt to alleviate the feeling of this need.

Hades tore his mouth away from her and stared into her eyes, his own eyes charged with something ominous.

“Touch me,” Eloise whispered. She felt like she’d burn to ash without his soothing touch. “Touch me, please.”

Hades shook his head and slowly released his hold on her. He stepped away, taking his heat with him. Eloise stumbled but quickly caught herself by leaning against the wall. Tears gathered at the back of Eloise’s eyes. She felt conflicted, confused, rejected.

Hades’ gaze slid down her length, and he looked at her with regret shining in his eyes. Or was it pain?

“Not yet,” he said, turned on his heel, and walked away.