“You are free to leave this room, but not this house. Just do not come crying to me if you see something that’s not to your liking. I wager you’ll be back, locked up in this room out of your own free will in less than forty-eight hours.”

Eloise took a step closer and extended her arm. “I shall take that wager.”

Hades blinked. He did not mean the wager quite literally, but now that he thought about it, he did not expect her to last out of her room for longer than eight hours, let alone forty-eight.

She obviously thought the contrary, which was really unsurprising. Her confidence came with being protected her entire life. People who saw the true horrors in life were never this fearless anymore.

Hades knew Eloise’s brother. He had sent spies to watch him even before Ava’s death crossed their paths. Hades had required reports on everything that could cause him harm. He needed to know his enemies.

And the one thing he knew about Ford Gunning was that he cared deeply about his sister and kept her protected. Was it any wonder she’d turned out to be as impetuous and fearless as she was? She was guileless, too. She did not realize what was waiting for her outside those doors. Well, she’d find out soon enough.

He reached out and took her hand in his. His eyes closed from the contact. Her tiny palm was completely enveloped in his huge one. She was warm and soft, but she shook his hand with purpose shining in her eyes.

“And what if I win this wager?” she challenged.

Hades was tempted to smile. So confident. So fearless. She did not reel in disgust from his touch, although she should have. She did not step away from his menacing presence. And she fully expected to win the wager against the notorious hell owner. He almost didn’t want to see her lose.

“What do you want?” he asked, still holding on to her hand.

“I want to see my brother,” she replied immediately.

“Out of the question.” He dropped her hand and crossed his arms over his chest.

She bristled with indignation, and fire lit up behind her eyes. She was truly fierce, this tiny woman before him.

“Then at least let me send him a note to let him know that I am alive and well!”

Hades narrowed his eyes on her. “forty-eight hours. If you last forty-eight hours among my men and women without hiding out in your room for longer than to change, wash, and sleep, then I shall send a letter from you to your brother.”

“Deal,” she said resolutely.

Hades shook his head. “Then so be it.”