Chapter 19

Hades came back to Eloise’s door and stood there for a moment in indecision.

Earlier, when he asked for the food to be brought into her room, he’d specifically asked for the maids to place a pomegranate on her tray. He knew she’d understand the reference, and he had hoped that she would accept his offering, only she did not.

He had learned from the kitchen maids that she hadn’t touched the fruit. Which only meant one thing: she wasn’t willing to stay with him. Not even after the passionate night they’d spent together.

He was tired after the hard labor of cleaning out the hell, and he wanted nothing more than to burrow under the bedsheets with Eloise in his arms. But clearly that was not the way into her heart. And as tired as he was, he needed to make certain that Eloise would stay with him even after her brother finished his mission.

He stood in front of her door, preparing himself for the task at hand, for the hardest task he’d ever had—winning a woman’s heart.

Hades finally raised his hand and knocked on the door.

“Enter,” Eloise called from inside.

He took a deep breath and slowly entered the room. Eloise was sitting behind the desk and writing something.

He smiled. Her hair was tumbling out of her tight bun, which she pinned with the hairpin he’d gifted her. She was wearing her day gown, but the new silk dressing gown lay on her bed. So she’d put it on at some point during the day. He loved how easily she embraced his gifts. He wished she would accept his offer to stay with him as easily.

He cleared his throat. Eloise scribbled a few more words before turning to look at him.

“Oh, it’s you.” Her words were accompanied by a delighted smile.

His heart warmed at the vision that was her smile. More so, because it meant she was actually pleased to see him.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Writing. A novel.” She grinned at him, and the world paused for a moment. Nothing existed anymore except for him, her, and her shining smile directed at him.

“Ah, so you decided to become one of those few famous female novelists, have you?”

“No, not necessarily.” She pursed her lips in thought. “I just decided to do as I wish, not as expected of me.”

Hades chuckled. “Taking my advice, I see.”

Eloise placed the quill on top of her journal and turned to look at him fully. “You are a good influence on me,” she said with a smile.

Hades put a finger to his lips. “Shush. Someone will hear. It will ruin my terrible reputation.”

Eloise giggled, then stood and walked toward him. “I think your reputation will survive.”

She slowly, carefully reached out her hands. He loved that about her. She knew he was still not comfortable with a casual touch, so she made sure he always saw her coming. He took her hands in his and squeezed her fingers.

They stood like this, her hands in his, her smiling face tilted up at him for a long moment. It was strange, this feeling of being with someone and feeling complete. There was nothing to rush to, nothing to accomplish. He just stood there, and he was enough. She did not expect anything of him. But he wanted the world for her.

“I want to show you something,” he whispered.

Eloise’s smile widened. “I want to see it,” she said eagerly.

Hades chuckled. “You don’t even know what I am about to show you.”

She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter.”

“Then come.”

He took her hand and led her away. She followed him without question, giggling as she did so. Hades walked toward the secret passage, a candle in one hand, her palm in another, and paused.

“Are we going to the hell?” she asked.