Before Helen got here, Eloise really could not see the cold-blooded person in him, the ruthless criminal everyone talked about. And a part of her refused to see it still. He was still the gentle giant who listened to her read and asked innocent questions about Hades and Persephone. He was the tender man who had shown her pleasure without a single touch.

No. No matter what she did next, she would not let him revert back to the beast everyone else thought him to be. She saw way too much good in him to let him sink into the darkness. He did not have to bear any hardship alone. She would help him.

The door shut with a loud bang in the corridor, and Eloise frowned. Was it Keyon?

She rushed out of her room, but to her surprise, it wasn’t Keyon’s room that had been vacated a moment ago. It was Helen’s.

Helen walked, flanked by two guards, her head held high, her shoulders square, as if a Queen ready for a coronation or an execution. Garric was one of the guards, but Eloise did not recognize the second one, and it made her nervous. At least she could beg Sal to tell her something reassuring but not Garric.

Eloise hurried toward her and matched their steps as she reached the convoy.

“Oh, Eloise! How good to see you,” Helen said. Her cheeks were rosy, and she seemed… happy?

“Where are you off to?” Eloise asked with a frown. She side-eyed the guards, who suspiciously kept silent.

“To see my husband,” Helen said cheerfully.


“Yes.” Helen nodded. “These nice gentlemen said I would be able to see my husband, to see for myself that he was not mistreated. They assured me that no harm came to him, but I insisted on seeing him, and they finally relented.”

Eloise tried to smile, but she was afraid it came out as a grimace instead. She didn’t quite believe everything was as innocent as that. “Why keep you apart at all if they were going to reunite you?”

Helen darted her eyes to the side, and that’s when Eloise realized this chipper, happy mood of hers was an act. She didn’t want to seem afraid and nervous in front of the guards. She wanted them to believe that she did not suspect anything, while inside she was probably a ball of nerves.

“I am certain my husband will tell me everything,” Helen answered with a smile.

Eloise nodded. “Do you mind if I tag along? I will not impose on your private moment, but I just want to see where your husband was kept all this time.”

Eloise watched Helen’s face very carefully, and that was the only reason why she saw a tiny exhale of relief. Helen nodded with a grateful smile, and they all proceeded down the steps.

Eloise had never been in the dungeons of Hades’ mansion. She did not even know they had dungeons until Helen was brought to the mansion. She really should not have been surprised. She’d seen the secret passages; the dungeon was the next logical step.

They walked silently through the cold, dark corridor until they stopped in front of a thick oak door. One of the guards unlocked the door and waved Helen inside.

Helen looked at Eloise with uncertainty.

“Do you wish for me to come too?” Eloise asked.

Helen looked at the guards, then shook her head. “No, I am quite capable, but thank you.”

She was definitely nervous, but she kept her composed appearance. Helen disappeared inside, and the guard locked the door after her.

Eloise leaned against the wall and studied the silent guards. “Why did Hades allow her to see her husband?”

Garric shrugged. “Don’t know, did not ask.”

“And that’s it? That’s your entire order? To bring her to her husband for a little while and then bring her back to her room?”

Both guards kept silent.

Eloise bit on her lip. She did not have a good feeling about this. She didn’t have to wonder for long, though. The teary, heartfelt reunion went by very quickly. A few short minutes later, Helen exited the room, looking confused, her face ashen.

“What happened?” Eloise instantly rushed toward her.

“Nothing.” Helen shook her head.

“Was he unharmed? Is he well?” Eloise searched Helen’s face, but her emotions were concealed.