“Oh!” Chastity adjusted her bodice. “I can entice Sal enough to leave his post. But you’ll have to distract the other one.”

Verity frowned. “Why do I always get the hardest work?”

Chastity winked at her, stood, and danced toward the stairs. “You shall think of something, I am certain of it.”

Verity stood with a sigh, then looked down and dusted her skirts. Verity was always up for mischief. But this time, her enthusiasm was lacking at best. Eloise studied her carefully. “Are you feeling well?”

“Yes, deary.” Verity smiled and palmed her hair. “Let us go and distract us some guards.”

Eloise and Verity peeked from the corner of the corridor as Chastity walked toward the guards, her hips swaying. She stopped right in front of Sal, twirling ringlets in her hair and smiling flirtatiously.

Neither Eloise nor Verity could hear what she was saying, but they didn’t need to. The signs were clear enough, Chastity was enticing Sal to leave his post. Garric threw disapproving stares at them both, but neither paid him any heed.

A few moments later, Sal relented. He tugged Chastity off in the direction of an alcove and they disappeared behind the hidden door.

Good. One down.

Verity tugged on her bodice in a similar way as Chastity and sauntered toward Garric. “Watch and learn,” she threw over her shoulder to Eloise as she approached the guard.

Eloise watched carefully, curious what Verity would do to trick the guard. Instead of walking toward him, however, Verity walked past him and toward Eloise’s room. She paused in her tracks, then put both her hands on her chest and doubled over.

Was something wrong? Eloise almost jumped out from her hiding spot and came rushing to her friend’s aid. Garric instantly came toward Verity, then looked both ways before hauling her into his arms.

He muttered something as he carried her toward the stairs.

Good job, Verity!

Eloise hid behind the doors until he passed and then quickly slipped inside the room where the young lady resided. She closed the door behind her and was instantly shrouded in darkness.

Eloise squinted in the dark, not able to see the woman. Where was she?

She turned to the side and jumped back with a shriek. The lady had a large vase in her hands, and she almost hit Eloise over the head with it. If Eloise didn’t jump back, she would have.

“Are you out of your mind?” Eloise hissed.

“Oh! Apologies, I thought you were one of the guards!”

“Obviously, I am not!” Eloise said, her hands on her chest, her breathing heavy.

“Who are you?” the lady asked.

Eloise peeked her head out of the room without answering. The guards were nowhere to be seen, but she was certain that wouldn’t last for long. “Good, all is clear,” she said. “Follow me. But please, for the love of God, do not stop or say anything. Just follow right behind me.”


“I shall explain everything once we are safe.”

Eloise was suddenly doubting her plan. The lady before her didn’t seem very stable. And she seemed rather unpredictable. Nevertheless, Eloise was not about to leave a distressed woman alone, so she grabbed her by the hand and fairly dragged her to her bedchamber. She watched through the crack in the door as Garric returned to his post a few moments later. He did not check to see if his prisoner was still inside.Good.

Eloise turned back to the lady she’d brought into her room. “Please, do not hit me with anything, do not scream, and keep your voice down. We do not want the guards to realize you moved.”

“Who are you?” the lady asked, frowning.

“My name is Eloise.”

“I am Helen.” She looked around. “Are you also a prisoner here?”

“Well…” Eloise did not know how to answer that. Shewasa prisoner, contrary to all the reassurances that she was a guest. But she didn’t feel like one, especially not compared to this poor lady before her. “No.”