That place, just below her swollen nub, was exactly what made her forget where she was or even who she was. She closed her eyes and imagined Keyon kneeling between her legs and licking her right where she played with herself. Moans started leaving her mouth in sporadic intervals, her hips jerking rhythmically. Her left hand was bruising her thigh she gripped herself so tightly.

None of that mattered anymore. She kept working that sensitive spot, kept circling it, imagining as if it was Keyon, circling it with his tongue, licking it lightly, then harder, faster. Circling and circling until… With a high-pitched cry, Eloise tensed and felt as though her body lifted and floated between the clouds. It was a feeling of true bliss.

Her breathing was loud and fast, her inner muscles pulsed as she opened her eyes. She looked at Keyon, and his face was a grimace of bliss, too. Her gaze slid down to his hand. He was still gripping his length, only it was covered with a slick, white cream-like substance.

Eloise bit on her lower lip, watching Keyon, unwilling to look at anything else but his huge body and his expression of pure bliss.

A slight smirk appeared on his lips before he washed off his length. He stood and slowly exited the bath. He took a towel and wet it with fresh water from a pitcher before coming toward her.

Yes, please.Eloise needed his touch now more than ever.

Instead of touching her, he pressed the towel between her legs. He was so close, she could feel the heat radiating from him. But he didn’t touch her, and she didn’t dare touch him either.

He leaned in and pressed a hard kiss against her lips. “You are exceptional,” he murmured before withdrawing the towel and walking away.

Eloise felt suddenly uncomfortable. She looked around for her chemise and, once she found it, put it on hastily.

Keyon disappeared into the closet. He came back wearing a clean pair of drawers. He came closer to her once again and pressed a hard kiss to her lips. Eloise placed her palm against his cheek, holding him close.

“Thank you,” he rasped, then covered her hand with his.

Eloise’s eyes closed. The contact felt like she was scorched with fire, at the same time calming her rioting heart.

A knock sounded at the door, and Keyon cursed. He nodded to Eloise and went to answer it, leaving her feeling bereft of his touch, his heat.

“Master, men returned from the Continent. They found them. Should we bring both of them here?”


“The St. Johns, Master.”

Eloise blinked.St. John?The name sounded familiar. Eloise leaned forward to hear the conversation better.

“Both of them?” Keyon sounded confused, too.

“The man and his wife.”

Keyon grunted. “Why in the hell did they bring them both?” The silence was his answer. “Prepare a room for the lady and a dungeon for the man then.”

Keyon closed the door and turned back to Eloise. “Apologies, but something important is afoot. I have to go.”

He moved away from the door, clearing a path for her.

Eloise drew on a tight smile. He’d said that he had to go, but what he really meant was that Eloise had to leave his room. She stood, gave him a slight nod, then hurried back to her chamber.