A slow smile appeared on his lips, keeping Eloise enthralled. “My name is Keyon.”

Eloise sat frozen, her hand still in his grasp, a smile still on his lips. Had he just told her his name? And it was a beautiful name.Keyon.

Eloise stood and bent over him, trying to tug him up. Keyon wrapped one arm over her and lodged his head in the crook of her neck and shoulder. He took a deep breath.

“You smell so good,” he said. Eloise let out a chuckle. She didn’t know how to react to that statement. Was it a compliment? “It’s been so long since I was so close to a woman,” he continued.

Eloise pushed off the chair, helping him up. “Well,” she tried to joke. “Was it worth getting burnt over?”

“Your touch would be worth dying for,” he said as she sat him down on the edge of the bed. He reached a hand and sifted through her locks. Eloise’s eyes closed at his touch. “But I don’t deserve it.”

Eloise took a deep breath. “Lie down.”

Keyon looked around. “Why did you bring me to this bed?”

“Where else would you sleep?” Eloise asked with a chuckle.

“My chair, the floor, anywhere.” Keyon lay down, grumbling under his breath. “I never sleep here.”

Eloise frowned. “Why not?”

Keyon burrowed under the covers. “Too soft. Too spacious. Too… lonely.”

He turned on his side and seemed to have fallen asleep. Eloise cleaned up his bloody clothing and the rags on the floor, then moved the chair next to his bed and sat down. She had a feeling he would need her through the night, and she didn’t want to leave him alone. So she watched as he lay peacefully snoring in his huge, lonely bed.

“Good night, Keyon,” she whispered.