Verity shrugged. “Knives, whips, and anything else involving pain is not allowed here.”

Eloise’s mouth fell open. “Who would want to be whipped?”

Verity shrugged. “I can’t tell you that.”

Eloise shifted in her seat uncomfortably. “But this customer that you like… Can you tell me about him?”

Verity’s mouth split in a radiant smile, and Eloise’s heart constricted. “He is one of our constant patrons. He is always in the hell. But unlike the others, he is not shot in the neck drunk all the time. He always smells like soap, and he is a very considerate lover. He was one of my first customers here. And no matter my past, I was still a bit naïve back then. I even thought myself in love,” she said dreamily, then shook her head. “However, love is not for the likes of me. Oh, he is one of them thief-takers. Do you know him? His name is Hunter. A handsome devil!”

Eloise’s throat constricted, and she had difficulty pushing the words out. “I-I don’t spend much time with my brother’s associates.”

This wasn’t a lie. Except for bringing them coffee, she barely saw the other thief-takers. The fact that she was betrothed to one notwithstanding.

“Despite his association with the thief-takers,” Verity continued. “He often does favors for Hades and others. I suppose he serves as a middleman between the two worlds.”

“How interesting,” Eloise said thoughtfully.

And it was interesting, indeed. How little Eloise knew about her betrothed. And how implicitly must Ford trust him, to betroth his sister to a man so close to the criminal world.

“So, will you read today, or do I have to beg?” Verity nudged the book toward Eloise.

Eloise looked down and smiled. “Of course. Are the other women about? Would they be interested in listening too?”

Verity grinned. “I am certain of it.”