Luckily, they just circled around the main floor, where gentlemen gambled and indulged in spirits and conversation.

“See?” Verity asked. “There’s nothing wrong with what we do. We trade in pleasure. We give the lords what they want and take their money. No harm done.”

Eloise continued watching, lost in thought. “And that is all there is to Hades’ hell?”

Verity tsked. “I cannot tell you everything the Master does. Or everything the men we live with do, for that matter. But whatever they do, we do not hurt anyone.”

“Do they not?” Eloise turned toward Verity. “My brother wouldn’t be looking for an excuse to catch Hades if he didn’t hurt anyone.”

“A lot of rumors are told about him because he is successful. When you come from dirt and become one of the most influential, rich people in London, the naysayers love to gossip that the only way he could have done it is by doing wrong.”

“So, he doesn’t steal, threaten, or snatch people to do his bidding?” Eloise raised her brow.

“He isn’t a saint. But he gives us work. Where would I be without him?”

“But how did he even build this place? It’s enormous. Where did he get the funds? It can’t be all hard work.”

“Rumors say he made a deal with the devil, and that’s the reason he named his clubs Hades. I do not give a fig about that. If he did, he made this deal to help others out of the dirt. And perhaps he is not right by the view of the law, but who needs the law when they can’t survive? He sacrificed love for all that. Perhaps that’s why there’s a curse on him,” Verity said in all seriousness.

“I do not believe in curses and deals with the devil,” Eloise answered. “But I do believe that it is possible to make a fortune while threatening, blackmailing, and possibly hurting, even killing people.”

Verity pinned Eloise with a stare. “You are talking like the thief-taker’s sister again. I thought you were done being judgmental! But you believe what you must.” She turned away.

“I am sorry. But the more I see, the more I wonder.”

“Well, you’re here. You are free to wonder and wander.” Verity looked through the peephole, and her face split into a smile. “Do feel free to look around. I just spotted my favorite client. I haven’t seen him since I was asked to look after you, so I shall go and give him a nudge.”

Verity left, and Eloise let out a deep sigh. She had managed to offend Verity and thus lost her guide. Eloise turned back to the peephole, having nothing else to do in a cramped corridor. It was fascinating to watch the gaming hell for what it truly was. She’d never in a million years imagined herself seeing one in action, but here she was.

However, she was certain that besides the general merriment that was going on in the halls, there was a far darker, or even sinister, part to all of this. She couldn’t imagine Ford hating Hades for providing gentlemen with some fun. There must have been something more.

And if Hades truly came from dirt, where did he find the money to build such an impressive place?

Eloise ran her fingers against the wall as she walked from one peephole to another and watched the proceedings on the hell’s floor. She paused as she noticed Verity walking to one of the farthest tables. How had she gotten there so fast? There must be a hidden door leading to the hell floor from this corridor.

She watched Verity advance to one of the tables obscured by smoke.

Who was her favorite customer? Was he handsome?

Eloise smiled and walked closer to Verity’s side. What she saw, however, wiped the smile off her face and made her jaw drop.

Verity’s behind swung flirtatiously from side to side toward the man Eloise knew. The man Eloise was betrothed to.