Chapter 8

Eloise was sitting by the fire in her chemise and stockings, brushing out her hair and preparing for bed, when Verity ran into her room without knocking like she often did. She closed the door and put her ear to it as if listening for someone outside.

Eloise stood from the floor and tiptoed toward her friend. “What is it?” she whispered.

“Shh!” Verity put her index finger to her lips and frowned, concentrating on the noises from the outside. A moment later, she pushed off the door. “Nothing. Get dressed. We are going out.”

Eloise raised her brow. For all the talk of her being a guest and not a prisoner, she had not once been allowed outside. “We are? Does… Hades know that?”

“Oh, no.” Verity shook her head for emphasis. “But since you’ve shown interest in my work and what we do in hells, I decided instead of telling you, I shall show you.”

“We are going to Hades’ hell,” Eloise said thoughtfully. “And Hades doesn’t know we are going there. Won’t he see us?”

“No, and that’s the beauty of it. Now hurry. Chastity took it upon herself to distract the guards, but they won’t stay distracted for long. Go on now, get dressed.”

Eloise blinked and ran to her dressing room. “How did Chastity manage to do that?”

“Oh, we sent Garric on an errand while she… charmed Sal out of our way.”

“Oh!” Eloise exclaimed in understanding.

“Now, make haste!”

Eloise looked through the three gowns that she owned. The one she was brought here with wouldn’t do at all. It was old, worn down, and still had grease stains on it. Two other gowns were the ones Hades brought her. They were gorgeous, and she was afraid she would stand out in them. “But what should I wear? I do not think I own anything appropriate for a hell. Nothing like what you wear.”

Verity scoffed. “Of course not. But it doesn’t matter. Nobody will see us!”

“They won’t? But how?” Eloise frowned at Verity, but the latter just waved her away.

“Get dressed. I shall explain everything on the way.”

A few moments later, dressed in the blue gown Hades had procured for her, with her hair in a neat bun, Eloise followed Verity down the corridor, in the opposite direction from the main staircase.

Verity walked to the farthest corner and pushed open a door Eloise would never have noticed on her own. They entered a narrow, hidden alcove that led to a spiral staircase. They descended the dark stairs for what seemed like forever, illuminated by a single candle in Verity’s hands.

Once they reached the ground, Verity opened the door and led Eloise through another dark and dank corridor.

It was cold, and the walls were moldy.

“It is a hidden passage that connects the mansion with Hades’ hell,” Verity supplied. “In case there’s a raid or any kind of trouble, we can all safely get home using this passage.”

“Clever,” Eloise whispered. Somehow, in this tight, dark space, talking loud didn’t seem appropriate.

“Master is very clever,” Verity agreed.

“So, he built it all himself?”

Verity shrugged. “I do not know. I haven’t been here long enough.”

“Who has been here long enough?”

“Hmm.” Verity thought for a moment. “Grace, I suppose.”

“Grace? I don’t believe I’ve met her.”

“No, you wouldn’t. She doesn’t live with us anymore. Hades bought her own place before any of the men moved in.”

Eloise raised a brow.How thoughtful.“Who is this Grace?” A twinge appeared in the pit of her stomach.