“We are here to watch Miss Eloise,” Garric protested.

“You can either watch her from outside the door, or you can help. I don’t need loiterers here!”

The men quickly stood and filed out of the room.

Eloise blinked in surprise. It seemed like these huge men were actually afraid of the intimidating cook. Not that she blamed them.

The cook stood in front of the harlots and Eloise, a dough roller in her hands. “Don’t you be talking about Ava in front of Garric,” she said quietly. “The man is in enough pain.”

Eloise’s mouth dropped open. “Was he… were they…?”

“Oh, they were all in love with her,” Verity said. “Garric, even Sal.”


Chastity nodded. “I spent many nights trying to sway Sal, but to no avail.”

The cook snorted. “You can sway him now,” she said as she resumed her work. “For Sal, it was a game. He didn’t need her heart, just her body. Garric, however, was in love with her.”

“As I said,” Prudence interjected. “They all wanted to conquer the innocent.”

“True.” Chastity nodded. “Sal didn’t have eyes for anyone but Ava. I loved her too, but now that she’s gone, at least I can get that man.”

Eloise craned her head to look at her guard outside the door. She couldn’t see them from the doorway, and she hoped they couldn’t hear their discussion. “What happened to Ava?”

All the women in the kitchen turned to look at Eloise in surprise. “You don’t know?”

Eloise shook her head, startled. Why was everyone so surprised?

“She died. And her death is the reason you’re here.”