“I am Laura,” the girl said and resumed her work.

Eloise smiled. It was nice to make a new acquaintance in this strange place. And Laura seemed closer to her in age and social status than Verity or the other women she’d seen the night before.

“Do you need any help?” Eloise asked.

Laura looked up at her, not slowing the pace of her whipping. “No. And if you’re truly a guest, would the master want you helping?”

Eloise shrugged. “I doubt he’d find out what I am up to.”

Laura threw an uncertain gaze toward Garric, who still stood by the door. “Master always finds out,” she said quieter.

Eloise looked at Garric inconspicuously and then turned back to Laura. “How long have you been here?”

“Not long. Only a year or so.”

“Where were you before?”

Laura didn’t answer. She looked down at her bowl and continued whipping. “So, are you the new Ava?” she asked instead.

Ava?Eloise kept hearing references to this Ava, and it truly seemed like Eloise was in a similar position to the unknown woman. But who was she, truly? She tilted her head to the side. “I… I am not certain who you are talking about.”

“Oh!” Laura threw an uncertain gaze toward Garric again, then leaned closer to Eloise and said in a hushed tone. “She was the master’s sister. Or at least that’s what everyone said.”

That sounded ominous… “Was she brought here against her will?” Eloise whispered back. “Was she told she was the guest here? Like me?”

Laura shrugged. “I don’t know. She’s been here longer than me.”

Eloise reared back. Well, she certainly wasn’t going to end up like this Ava. She was not about to spend years in this mansion. She needed to find a way out. And for that, she needed to last this day among the house’s occupants. Perhaps spending this time hidden with Laura would count as socializing. It would, wouldn’t it? She wasn’t looking forward to interacting with the bandits again.

“What happened to her?” Eloise whispered.

“There you are!” At that moment, the door opened, and Verity walked in.

So much for her plans to stay hidden with Laura.

“Sal tells me you are doing the cook’s bidding like a maid, and that won’t do!”

Laura dipped her head over her bowl as if to seem invisible.

“Why not?” Eloise asked.

Verity cast her eyes heavenward. “Come. Today is Prudence and Chastity’s day off. We can show you around the mansion, perhaps make you some new gowns. Chastity is very good with the needle.”

“I… Actually, I love to bake. I thought that perhaps I could be of help in the kitchen,” Eloise countered.

Verity raised a brow. “You want to work in the kitchen? Master will be livid if he finds out.”

Eloise frowned. “What is wrong with honest work?”

“I do not think master will appreciate the type ofhonestwork you do here,” Verity retorted, averting her nose.

“And what type of work am I supposed to do here?” Eloise narrowed her eyes at Verity.

The latter shrugged. “I do not know. Master tells me nothing. But I doubt he would appreciate your activities in the kitchen.”

“Well, I am not a prisoner here. I can do whatever I please.” Eloise punctuated her words with a slight nod.

Her mind made up, Eloise ascended the steps to the kitchen, walking past Verity, Garric, and Sal with sure steps. With that same confident attitude, she asked the cook if she could help out with the baking. She was certain the kitchen needed an extra pair of hands. And with the same attitude, she was quickly shut down.